Author Topic: Enjoy Marianne Williamson While You Can  (Read 190 times)

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Enjoy Marianne Williamson While You Can
« on: August 02, 2019, 04:39:10 pm »
Enjoy Marianne Williamson While You Can

August 2, 2019   by David Blackmon   

Is it time to take Marianne Williamson seriously yet? – The new-age guru is getting gobs of free media attention – some of it somewhat positive, most of it negative – in the wake of her second straight debate performance that was highly ummmm, er, ah…impressive, but does it really mean anything in the grand scheme of things? Probably not, because the Democrat voter base comes into this election in an entirely different state of mind than the GOP voter base was in four years ago.

Republican voters in 2015 were fed up with the D.C. Swamp, and that included not just Democrats and the Obama Administration, but establishment Republicans as well. Those fed-up voters wanted a nominee who was the literal antithesis of that Swamp, and lo and behold, Donald J. Trump presented himself to them. The result has been a committed relationship that endures through thick and thin.

Democrat voters, on the other hand, are by and large longing to bring that Swamp back to power, desperate to go back to the “good old days” of heavy-handed regulation of all aspects of their lives and utter corruption of our institutions that were given to them for the 28 years prior to Trump’s assumption of office. This explains the odd enduring power of the frail and elderly Creepy Uncle Joe as the party’s front-runner in the race.

Don’t get me wrong here – I am all for Williamson becoming a big factor in this contest, but if her boosters think that she is ever going to be a major factor in the race for the nomination, they are living in a fantasy world. Sure, there exists some small percentage segment of the Democrat voter base that will be drawn by the positive, uplifting language Williamson uses in pushing her message of love conquering all, but they need to try to remember that the overwhelming majority of Democrat voters these days wear their negativity, bitterness and victim-hood on their sleeves as points of pride.

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Re: Enjoy Marianne Williamson While You Can
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2019, 07:16:31 pm »
What, her message of love isn't a good fit for a party steeped in seething fury, hatred, bitterness, resentment, and violence?

Sometimes I think her campaign is really just a send-up of a party that's begging to be lampooned.

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