Author Topic: Democrats’ Embrace Of Al Sharpton Exposes Their Hypocrisy  (Read 153 times)

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 Democrats’ Embrace Of Al Sharpton Exposes Their Hypocrisy

It’s not enough to be a Trump antagonist, you must defend all his enemies — no matter how loathsome
By David Harsanyi   
July 30, 2019

If Donald Trump attacked Somalian warlords on Twitter, The Atlantic would run a 10,000-word piece explaining why decentralized Somali rule is actually good for minorities. Because it’s no longer sufficient to be a Trump antagonist, no longer enough to stick the word “racist” in every news piece and broadcast; a real patriot embraces all the president’s enemies, no matter how morally loathsome.

Which brings me to the Rev. Al Sharpton. This week, Barack Obama’s “go-to man” on racial issues headed to Baltimore to protest President Trump’s attacks on Elijah Cummings, the Democratic congressman from Maryland. As is his wont — whatever creed, color, or faith his antagonists might be — the president lashed out at those critical of him. “Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score,” Trump tweeted about his old buddy. “Just doing his thing. Must have intimidated Comcast/NBC. Hates Whites & Cops!”