Author Topic: Rush: Don’t Be Surprised If Trump Does for Baltimore What He Did for the NFL  (Read 453 times)

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Don’t Be Surprised If Trump Does for Baltimore What He Did for the NFL

Jul 30, 2019

RUSH: This is really fascinating to watch, if you can watch this with a learned eye, guided by intelligence and experience. I’m talking about Trump and Baltimore and this whole thing. I’m listening to all of these people in the media and all of the Democrats talk about how it is outrageous to say these things that Trump is saying. It’s outrageous to talk about Baltimore the way he’s talking about Baltimore.

The AP has a story today that I think is largely fake news. I think they made it up. It’s about suburban women that voted for Trump in Wisconsin and all those states that he just barely won who now just, oh, he’s making them so nervous, it’s so embarrassing. And I don’t believe it for a minute because if you look at these quotes, these women talk about how, “The way he speaks makes me so uncomfortable.”

Well, how in the hell can you not be made uncomfortable by the 50 years of language used by the Democrats? Why is it the Democrats always get a pass? They can call us any name they want. They can lie about Trump being a traitor. They can lie about Trump having colluded with Russia, even now they continue that lie. They call all of us some of the worst things you can be called, people they don’t even know who just happened to vote for Trump, and why is it that there’s never a story in the AP or anywhere else interviewing people who are disgusted and disturbed with the language used by Democrats?

Admit it, folks. One of the things that’s bothered you for all of these years is that there’s never been any pushback against any of it. George W. Bush was called Hitler, he was called dumb and stupid, he was called an idiot, other nicknames. There weren’t any stories worried about what was happening to our culture and our discourse when the president was being so savagely criticized. No, no, no.

In fact, all that stuff was applauded, and it was egged on. And we didn’t get one story about citizens concerned about the coarseness of our — Not when the Democrats speak. Not when they go down to the gutter and start launching verbal attacks from there. It’s always so one-sided. Meanwhile, Trump did not criticize the people of Baltimore. He criticized their leadership.

I find this just illustrative as it can be. They seem to have no trouble finding people who voted for Trump that are fed up with him. They can’t find a single Democrat voter unhappy with the way the Democrats are doing things. Every Democrat hates Trump and every Republican voter who voted for Trump hates Trump, if you listen to the Drive-By Media.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and I’m gonna make a prediction or two. I’m gonna offer up some analysis and insight on this that I guarantee you you have not heard anywhere else. Now, after I utter it, it will no doubt be purloined, it will be picked up, it will be disseminated without my name having been mentioned except by those who wish and seek to criticize it as typical right-wing extremism. But I want to tell you, don’t be surprised — hee-hee-hee-hee — don’t be surprised if Donald Trump does for Baltimore what he did for the National Football League. Don’t be surprised if there are, rather soon, a bunch of massive efforts to clean that place up.

No matter what you think about who’s leveling the allegations or who’s pointing out the horrors of life for certain people in Baltimore, nobody is denying it. The only thing they’re saying is, “Trump is really mean. He’s really coarse. Trump is thoughtless. Trump is really cruel to say it.” But nobody is denying it.

There was — this is hilarious — some local Baltimore infobabe was doing a stand-up report. Have you seen this? My brother sent it to me. I’ve got the link here somewhere. It’s typical. It’s a minute and 40-second video. You’ve gotta watch a minute and 35 seconds of it to get to the payoff, which is why I don’t like videos. You just waste so damn much time watching ’em.

Anyway, this babe is doing a stand-up — I’m sorry. This journalist is doing a stand-up. This reporter is doing a stand-up. And she’s deadly serious and it’s, oh, so horrible and it’s, oh, so bad, and her camera is catching, you know, blighted buildings, dilapidated neighborhoods, basically proving Trump’s point while pointing out how unfair it is. Their cameras are pointing it out. And then in the last five seconds of video, this babe can’t see it because the camera pans away from her to a pile of junk, out of which scurries a gigantic rat!

And it starts slithering along the sidewalk there right up against the brick wall of a building, and the infobabe can’t see it, she’s oblivious to it. The cameraman just happened to pan away to a pile of junk while she’s doing her stand up report, then he pans back to her, totally unaware what the audience has just seen.

Now here’s Trump talking about rat-infested Baltimore, and local Baltimore TV just showed them one!  I mean, it was classic.  But I’m just telling you.  Now all this focus is on it.  Remember the NFL? Here’s what happened.  Kaepernick and the boys come out and start protesting the cops.  That’s what they say they’re doing.  They actually refuse to stand up for the national anthem and they refuse to stand up for the flag.

When people said, “This is not good. What do you guys got against the flag?” Kaepernick said, “It’s not the flag.  It’s the cops.  The cops are murdering people of color.  The cops are murdering innocent black people!”  Of course, the NFL did not have the guts to stand up to ’em.  The TV networks loved it!  For the first time in my lifetime, TV networks began televising the national anthem, just to be able to show a bunch of players dissing the flag and dissing the country.

The media thought this was great because they love news where the country’s being ripped because that’s how you promote Democrats.  That’s how you promote left-wing causes is show people protesting America.  Well, the American people, you know what they did?  Click!  They turned it off.  They stopped watching.  The NFL’s ratings started to plunge.  Everybody knew why but nobody would admit it.  “Well, maybe it’s because the games are too long.  Well, maybe it’s because there are too many stops for instant replay.

“Maybe it’s ’cause there aren’t enough stars in the league anymore.” All these silly, irrelevant, nonsensical explanations were given when it was clear as a bell.  The people that tune in to watch the NFL do not want to get preached to by a bunch of anti-American, spoiled brat, wealthy athletes dumping all over the country that made it possible for them.  It’s that simple.  So what did Trump do?  Trump called ’em out. Trump even called ’em “sons-of-bitches,” uh, quote-unquote.  The American people stood up and cheered.

Trump continued to call them out.  As they returned fire on Trump, what did he do?  He doubled down.  He continued to call them out.  Guess what happened?  Over the course of a season, players stopped kneeling.  The NFL got the courage is to stand up to ’em because one man led the way — Donald Trump — and I’m not exaggerating this.  It’s exactly what happened.  Then the players stopped kneeling and then the networks stopped televising the anthem ’cause there was no anti-Americanism going on so there was nothing to televise the anthem about.

And then what followed that was the American people got over being angry and the ratings started coming back.  Donald Trump saved the NFL.  Now, you may not like hearing it, and you left-wing/uber-leftist sportswriters might be offended by the assertion. But I’m telling you: Colin Kaepernick and his gang were well on the way — with the support of the media — into doing great damage to the NFL.  They were trying to solicit even more players to join these silly protests, which were never about the cops.

They were about the flag. They were protesting the country.  That was the whole point.  Trump also made that obvious, illustrated that.  So I’m saying to you, ladies and gentlemen, that you should not be surprised if Trump ends up doing the same thing for Baltimore.  And if that happens, if Baltimore gets cleaned up… And, by the way, there are stories out there today (you may have seen them) how much federal money, starting with Obama’s stimulus, has been sent to Baltimore, with no evidence that it’s ever been used.

So the questions are being asked, “Well, who got it?  Where did the money go?” One ZIP code in Baltimore got $8 million.  Where is the cleanup to show for it?  Where are the improvements to show for it?  You can’t find them.  Now, nobody was talking about any of that until the past couple days when Donald Trump starts charging into Elijah Cummings for presiding over a mess like this in his own district.  So you tell me: Where’d the money go?

If it wasn’t used to clean up these areas, and if it wasn’t used to spruce up and modernize and so forth, where’d the money go?  Well, everybody knows where the money goes. Everybody. They may not know the exact pockets, but they know that it goes into the back pockets of people powerful enough to determine where the money goes when it is received.  But it did not go to the citizens, and it did not go to any projects (not meaningfully) that helped improve these blighted circumstances in Baltimore.

There has been more money than just that which came from Obama’s Porkulus bill. So it’s not that there hasn’t been the money, and it isn’t that there hasn’t been the effort.  There has been all of that, and yet nobody says a thing about it. Nobody talks about it. Nobody wants to do anything to fix it!  The Democrats own it.  The Democrats run it.  The status quo is apparently fine.  Now here comes Trump telling the truth about it, and so what do they have to do?  They have to mask the fact that he’s right by then turning all of this over to racism.

You know, the Democrat debates resume again tonight.  I actually think race will take Russia off of the number one issue that the Democrats will talk about. They can’t help themselves.  This is gonna be… If you’re gonna watch this tonight, you had better be prepped ’cause it’s gonna be race this, race that.  It’s gonna be nothing but race-ism.  These people are so… The Democrats are just… Folks, they are so, so used to getting away with not committing, not promising, not fulfilling promises, with not improving people’s lives.

They have gotten away with this forever.  They get away with it while owning the concept of compassion.  Everybody thinks the Democrats are the only people that care about people, and yet the Democrats and the people they claim to be caring for and representing never do see any significant improvement in their lives.  They’re still as angry today as they were when they started getting mad about it.  You’re not allowed to criticize them.  Donald Trump did.  He saved the NFL from destroying itself.

In the process he was expressing the anger and rage of people all over the country.  He simply wouldn’t tolerate the players disrespecting the flag and the country.  He wouldn’t put up with it, he wouldn’t tolerate it like the league was fully prepared to do, and maybe even get behind it if it meant keeping the players happy.  People here living in America know this country is demonstrably great.  It is the land of opportunity.  It is the land of the free and the home of the brave.  It facilitates — like no place ever has — the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.

It’s the home of the NFL where even the lowest paid players can become millionaires.  It didn’t happen overnight.  Trump withstood the media smearing him for months. The NFL didn’t do this turnaround.  It took a whole season for this to happen.  I can tell the story as I just did very artfully, in fact, inside of five minutes.  But it took almost an entire season for this to play out, ’cause during this, Trump was the target of the smears, Trump was the target of the anger, simply because he dared point it out.

And, by the way, Trump was being accused of racism then, ’cause what?  He was attacking black players who were kneeling, and Trump should have understood that if anybody’s gonna kneel and protest this country, it’s black people.  They’re the ones that should be mad, they should always be mad, they should never get over it the way they have been treated.  Except they haven’t been treated the way everybody wants to say. In other words, there isn’t still slavery today.  They called Trump back then a racist, a bigot — deranged, and cruel and hateful.

They lied about Trump.  They protected the players who were driving away lifelong fans from stadiums and their TV sets.  The players were in the process of doing great damage to the National Football League, and the media that earns its living covering the game was urging all of that on.  Trump persisted.  He doubled down, as he does. He tripled down, as he does.  Today, the protests have stopped. The networks don’t give the showboaters any more coverage.

They don’t televise the national anthem anymore ’cause, as I say, there’s no anti-Americanism happening there to televise, and you don’t advance liberalism unless you can have some anti-Americanism to televise.  You might say the NFL is stronger than it’s been a long time.  So don’t be surprised, I’m just saying, if the same thing happens in Baltimore.  It’s gonna almost have to now, isn’t it, with all these pictures coming out and all? You know one thing? Nobody is denying it, and all the pictures that people are collecting, all the videos are showing that it’s true!

Now that the pictures are out there and now that people are admitting it, and now that we know how much money was sent, they’ve got to do something, do they not?  What do you bet these…? (interruption) You think they won’t because of the election coming up? (interruption) They’re gonna have to make a show of doing something, is the point.  If they don’t, you know, it’s only their own mess that they are going to be simmering in.

My point is that Trump has come along — he has shined another bright light on despair, corruption, blight and filth — and it’s deja vu all over again.  The media is blasting Trump instead of those who created the problem, and Trump isn’t backing down.  The country sees pictures of what’s happened in Baltimore.  These are endless stories from local media that are just going to keep expanding.  So now the table is set for change — that’s all I’m saying — and it all happened because of Donald Trump.


RUSH: Now, ladies and gentlemen, don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying that these people of Baltimore are gonna throw the Democrats out of office. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that with the focus now on the rat-infested blight in Elijah Cummings’ district and everywhere else in that city local media points their cameras, something’s going to have to be done about it, or at least something is going to have to appear to be done about it.

Whether they actually do anything – (interruption) Snerdley is very cynical. “They’re not gonna do anything.” Well, they may not, but they’re gonna have to look like they’re doing something. Look, that’s not the point. (interruption) Yes, everybody has seen The Wire. That’s not the point. The Wire was not the same thing as Trump — The Wire was a glorifying show! If you think The Wire was televised to be critical — maybe of the cops, but that was it. Not the drug gangs.

You think they were gonna clean up Baltimore after The Wire? The only thing that may get cleaned up after The Wire was the police department. But no, no. No, no. This is not a show. This is not Hollywood. This is the media and their cameras. You watch, folks.


RUSH: Now, ladies and gentlemen, don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying that these people of Baltimore are gonna throw the Democrats out of office. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that with the focus now on the rat-infested blight in Elijah Cummings’ district and everywhere else in that city local media points their cameras, something’s going to have to be done about it, or at least something is going to have to appear to be done about it.

Whether they actually do anything – (interruption) Snerdley is very cynical. “They’re not gonna do anything.” Well, they may not, but they’re gonna have to look like they’re doing something. Look, that’s not the point. (interruption) Yes, everybody has seen The Wire. That’s not the point. The Wire was not the same thing as Trump — The Wire was a glorifying show! If you think The Wire was televised to be critical — maybe of the cops, but that was it. Not the drug gangs.

You think they were gonna clean up Baltimore after The Wire? The only thing that may get cleaned up after The Wire was the police department. But no, no. No, no. This is not a show. This is not Hollywood. This is the media and their cameras. You watch, folks.


RUSH: I have a couple more bits of analysis in addition to the brilliant discussion moments ago about the comparisons that might be possible, Trump fixing the NFL or saving it and ditto with Baltimore. Now, I want to address the thing that Mr. Snerdley shouted at me over the IFB ’cause obviously Mr. Snerdley thinks I’m all wet on this. “What about The Wire?” he said, which is that great HBO multiyear miniseries about the drug business in Baltimore.

“I mean, you can have a show that portrayed a city in the worst light than The Wire, and that didn’t cause anything to get fixed.” It’s because it was a show and because the bad guys were heroized. The bad guys were the heroes in that series. The cops were the bumbling dolts. The cops were corrupt. The cops are the ones that played games going after legitimately legal people, got them unfairly.

I mean, the guy that put The Wire together is one of the biggest prominent leftists in American entertainment. The guy’s name is David Simon. He’s a journalist. I think he was newspaper reporter at some point. So The Wire as a TV show was never intended to shine a light of reform on Baltimore. It was more, “Hey, you know what’s going on in your city? Here, take a look at this.”

This is different. This is the president of the United States calling out a single member of Congress after this member of Congress slanders Trump. Let’s not forget this! These people are out there claiming that we were purposely putting kids in cages. You know what’s happening at Wikipedia right now? At Wikipedia there is an ongoing debate on how to explain and define detention centers as concentration camps.

So if you happen to search Wikipedia for immigration and detention, you’re gonna find a series of explanations that will tell you that these are concentration camps. This is what Donald Trump is being accused of, and his cabinet — Homeland Security, ICE, Border Patrol, and all that. And he’s fed up with it.

These people are presiding over genuine rat fests, and they’re out there throwing all these allegations at Trump when Trump hasn’t done any of this stuff that they are accusing him. He’s been trying to fix this from the moment he took office. He’s been trying to fix it. They’re lying about that. In the process Trump goes out and says rat-infested this, blight here, blight there, and here comes local Baltimore media putting pictures of it all over TV.

And then those pictures make their way to Twitter, and then those pictures make their way to cable news, and then, bingo, then everybody sees what Trump is talking about. Then the argument becomes be not what’s going on in Baltimore, but what a rotten guy Trump is for pointing it out.

But the fact that Trump was right mitigates all this stuff about how mean he is and how uncouth he is. This is the kind of stuff that should be called out. This ought to be unacceptable to anybody representing a district in the United States Congress. These circumstances ought to be unacceptable to a responsible member of Congress! Why are you there?

The fact that nothing is ever done, even after all this money was spent, federal money starting with Obama’s stimulus, and nothing changes for the better?
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But will he put forth his ideas with the proper decorum?