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Leftists' Effective Dirty Trick
« on: July 23, 2019, 01:25:11 pm »
Leftists' Effective Dirty Trick
Lloyd Marcus image

By Lloyd Marcus —— Bio and Archives--July 22, 2019

Leftists' Effective Dirty TrickI heard another black pastor’s sermon attacking Trump while listening to Christian radio with earbuds on my phone during my daily walk.. He said that President Trump’s MAGA slogan does not include all Americans. He bitterly asked his congregation, “When was America ever great?”

As a proud grateful black American, I thought, “One of numerous occasions in which America was great was when 600,000 Americans sacrificed their lives in the civil war to liberate blacks from slavery.”

America’s enemies within

America’s enemies within use churches, schools, corporate advertising, entertainment, fake news media and social networks to spread lies about Trump and our wonderful country. Trump is pretty much a lone voice in the international arena standing up for America; exposing leftists’ lies.

This is why I wholeheartedly support Trump exposing Democrat congresswomen Ilhan Omar, AOC, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib for the anti-American, antisemitic, racist, socialist and communist hate-filled traitors that they truly are.