Author Topic: For Being Such an Idiot, Trump is Pretty Smart  (Read 162 times)

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For Being Such an Idiot, Trump is Pretty Smart
« on: July 22, 2019, 11:24:43 am »
July 22, 2019
For Being Such an Idiot, Trump is Pretty Smart
By Brian C. Joondeph

We have been hearing now for four years, ever since that escalator ride at Trump Tower, how then-candidate, now-President Trump is such an idiot. The media, Democrats, and NeverTrumpers, virtually in lockstep assured us that Trump would never be the Republican nominee. When he was, they doubled down promising that he would never be president. Every so-called opinion poll confirmed their predictions.

So who turned out to be smart, winning the White House, and who turned out to be a bunch of buffoons? Yet they still couldn’t admit that they were wrong, predicting that Trump would be impeached or that he would resign from office under intense pressure from critics and scandal. From Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti to Robert Mueller to Megan Rapinoe, each one was portrayed as the dragon-slayer ready to bring down Trump.

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