Author Topic: Cyber Warfare: U.S. Military Admits Immediate Danger Is 'Keeping Us Up At Night'  (Read 182 times)

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Jul 21, 2019, 05:11am
Cyber Warfare: U.S. Military Admits Immediate Danger Is 'Keeping Us Up At Night'
Zak Doffman

Cyber warfare has reached a new phase this year—at least in terms of public awareness of the nature of the threat. Nothing is especially new, in truth, at least not capability-wise. But there has been one major development: increased levels of integration between the physical and cyber domains—cyber warfare as an interchangeable battlefield tool, an attack in one domain and retaliation in another. And the catalyst has been the Middle East, the continuing escalation of tensions between the U.S. (and its allies) and Iran. And the small matter of China and Russia—the world's leading cyber and hybrid warfare protagonists—lurking menacingly on the sidelines.

"When people ask me what keeps you up at night," Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told a cyber conference in Aspen last week, "that is kind of the thing that keeps me up at night."