Author Topic: Democrat Internal Poll of Swing Voters Is Leaked and the Results Are Brutal  (Read 848 times)

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Offline bilo

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I hate to admit it,but I am a little surprised.

Which is what pissed me off so much about the Party First creatures that hate Trump because he isn't a professional politician,and "took the presidency away" from their favorite RINO.

These asshats are putting party ahead of country,and I do NOT like that.

I knew as soon as I saw the tweets that the rino wing of the party would be critical. I was disappointed to see Ernst in that group, but I knew Trump was right.

I'm in that generation that believed the old bumper sticker, "Love It or Leave It".

I'm not surprised a lot of younger people than me feel the same way. The Chamber of Commerce Pubs just don't understand how excited people are to see someone in high office actually say what we believe in our hearts and don't care if he says it smoothly or not.
A stranger in a hostile foreign land I used to call home