Author Topic: Trump tells progressive Democrats to go back and fix 'broken and crime infested places' they came fr  (Read 13958 times)

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Offline LegalAmerican

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Trump does not drink.

He is very wholesome compared to most N.T.'S on here, virtue signaling.  They had no problems with Kennedy's, Clintons, Obama's?   JFK..all Kennedys were horn dogs.   My post below. I can't keep creating the wheel of truth for people on here.
Not anything against you RUSTY NAIL...MY GENERAL POST BELOW. If some on here feel convicted, not on ME.  :patriot:

You LEFTS ARE ALWAYS Goofy. DOUBLE STANDARDS. You must hate congress in DC who use a madame.  You have some issues with people married  more than once?  Better to stay married & be a-holes to each other?  Bill & Hillary go BOTH WAYS. GAY.  Bill has a child with black prostitute, DANNY WILLIAMS. Hillary caught in hotel room with black female prostitute. Hillary raped Cathy O'Brien. Bill has 15 more women of record, saying he raped them. Not counting paid off Jones or Flowers.  BUT..Bill & Hillary still together. Obama..married to trannie.  the bio parents of his kids are DR. ANITA BLANCHARD & Martin Nesbitt. Obama born in Kenya, fraud, con artist. Then gay male wh0re for rich white men to get his cocaine. Obama smokes, does pot, cocaine + loves beer so much, had a brewery in the White House. ALCOHOLIC?  Issues with little boys. HE LIKES THEM. PIZZAGATE.

   My president does NOT drink any alcohol, ever, does not smoke, does no illegal drugs, does not drink coffee.  You want to impugn him?  Clintons cheat, Obama cheats, ALL KENNEDYS cheated.  Teddy caused the death of his mistress. MaryJo Kopecny. 

Offline corbe

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   I couldn't sleep with him unless I was very drunk.  /JS
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Online Hoodat

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Perhaps if Trump stopped running deficits bigger than Obama, he would get more Conservative support here.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

Offline LegalAmerican

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That particular lie is a lie told to get one's way.  In this particular case it's easy to see what the intended effect is:  Permanently ban all perceived "Never Trumpers," no words against the President are to be uttered.

Not.  Gonna.  Happen.  This ain't Free Republic.

I have no problem with comments against president TRUMP...if...they are true.  Don't lie to me about him.  All this stupid "grab em'.  That is what some WOMEN allow.  ALL ON THE WOMEN who allow that, to gain some favor with wealthy men.
People should be more upset with that SECRETLY RECORDED, EGGED ON LOCKER ROOM TALK. I thought it was illegal to do that? But I understand, N.T. 's have issue's KNOWING...RIGHT FROM WRONG.    LEGAL OR ILLEGAL.   Zing!  Oh, you all don't like hearing any truth.  You won't listen to it.  Why not?   WWW.MAGAPILL.COM

Offline corbe

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    Briefers in general don't mind Truth, that's why we're here.  Your version, however, is a whole nother story. @LegalAmerican
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Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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He's forcing the rat leadership to get behind four very unpopular representatives.

Yeah, real stupid.

The truth is that the comments from those four, especially some of Omar's, should have generated a lot more blowback than they did among most Americans.  The reason they didn't generate that much blowback is because the mass media generally buried/underreported those comments, and certainly doesn't want to draw attention to them.

So...Trump decided to change that, and I'm glad he did.  Those comments deserve much more attention and condemnation than they go the first time around.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 08:42:02 pm by Maj. Bill Martin »

Offline LegalAmerican

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Over the years I've learned to trust Trump's strategy. I think he's firing up his supporters.

Counter-intuitively, his strategy works.

I never liked Trump's twitter behavior, but you cannot argue with his success record. Compare him to Romney who "plays it safe" and is a media kiss ass.

Nothing WRONG with his twitter behavior.  Just one way to get the real truth, OUT THERE. Against all left, media propaganda.  That you don't like it, means you allowed, LEFT MEDIA TO GET TO YOU.  They don't like TRUTH...either.  They are against him using twitter, to get his true words out.  You fell for that ploy.

That is what I see.  Do you not like, posting on here?  Posting YOUR IDEAS & 'TRUTH"...why not for the president? 

Offline LegalAmerican

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Brit Hume: Trump's 'go back' tweets 'nativist, xenophobic, counterfactual and politically stupid,' but not racist

Telling the hard facts, is NONE OF THAT!   WHERE ARE THE PRO-AMERICANS?   "FIX YOUR OWN COUNTRY BEFORE COMPLAINING ABOUT OURS". "Go back & fix your own country".  Beautifully & perfectly said by my president. 

I think there is something in vaccines or our water, that people can't see how others are destroying our America. 

Offline LegalAmerican

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Can't say I see anything controversial about what Kasich says.   It IS well past time for Republicans to stand up and criticize the President when it is warranted.    I think this is one of those times.   Consider it constructive criticism -  don't tweet without thinking first.   And don't step in and ruin a political narrative that is running in your favor by spouting crapola that will turn the narrative from Dem in-fighting to unity over the "racism" of your verbal diarrhea.   

WRONG!  Do none of you get these are ANTI-AMERICANS...IN OUR MIDST?   The things THEY say is what prompts my president to respond to 'crazy'.  Why is 'crazy" let off the hook for what they say...but my president is blamed for not liking those crazy comments from ANTI-AMERICANS.   TWO MUSLIMS..who hate America & Israel, One hispanic socialist, who wants to tax you 95%...AOC...more crazy in DEMS SIDE.  And to want fault president TRUMP for telling the truth???

I ask again...'WHERE ARE THE PRO AMERICANS"?   Are you all brain washed?
 :patriot: :patriot: :patriot:

Offline corbe

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   How do you reconcile @LegalAmerican that all but 1 of his 4 targets here were actually born in the US?   
   Hyperbole much?  He could eat cat $hit out of the litter box and you'd say 'Good Dog', you're hopeless.
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Offline LegalAmerican

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Kasich!  :3:

........ :thumbsup: :3:

Where are the patriots?  Pro Americans?     :patriot: :patriot: :patriot:

Offline corbe

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........ :thumbsup: :3:

Where are the patriots?  Pro Americans?     :patriot: :patriot: :patriot:

    We're over here @LegalAmerican*/index and wondering where you're at.
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Offline Axeslinger

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« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 08:56:51 pm by Axeslinger »
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." - Thomas Jefferson

Offline LegalAmerican

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So it's ok if the leftist insult this President and/or our country, but not ok for him to fire back??  It IS well past time for the Republicans to unite and come together to support this President against the radical leftist mental midgets!

Yes, "At the base of America is a Jewish and Christian tradition that says that we must realize that we are all brothers and sisters" ... and that should also go for those Muslims who have been granted asylum, and citizenship, and especially those who are seated in the halls of Congress.

clap, clap, clap.     :patriot: :patriot: :patriot:     I love to see,  CLEAR THINKING.    ^ 5! 

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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   How do you reconcile @LegalAmerican that all but 1 of his 4 targets here were actually born in the US? 

I'd say he was tricked by their behaviors, which show a greater love for other countries and for peoples outside the U.S. than for their fellow Americans.

Offline LegalAmerican

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Well, I'm sorry, but the true racism here is coming from the left for their utter and complete failures to do something at the border. Women and children are being repeatedly sexually assaulted on the way here and it was recently reported that 19 people have died in their attempt.  Problems could greatly be alleviated if the liberal DEMS would assist with security the border and warning these people ahead of time that the journey here is not without great risk and that there is NO guarantee of asylum and ILLEGAL entry is forbidden.  No they'd rather sit and make up b.s. stories about the horrendous treatment these people are receiving from the U.S.A.  Which doesn't really make sense as obviously if things were so horrendous the words would have gotten back to various different countries by now and the influx would have slowed.

I am sick to death of the liberal left placing the entire blame on this President and the GOP when they sit back and do nothing but accuse instead of helping the situation. Even more sickening are those that consider themselves conservative or Republican and side with the leftists.

Yes, agreed, the President's response may have been inappropriate to a degree, but so are the accusations coming from the very people his comment was directed at.  IF they truly loved this country and wanted to do what is in this country's best interest they would do everything to secure our borders and protect LEGAL citizens and do something about the crime and drug infected liberal cities!

BTW, Ilhan Omar was born in Mogadishu and sought asylum in 1995 and became a citizen in 2005.  14 years she's been a U.S. citizen, she's a sitting Congresswoman, but yet she has to wear the head garb of a Muslim??  Where is her allegiance to this country? DEM or REP where is here allegiance to this President?  As a matter of fact that goes for ALL of the 535 members of Congress.  Party or not, he IS THEIR President!

Has she been to the border??  Does she feel that ALL should be granted asylum as she was??  Sorry, I just don't see her having this country's best interest at heart.

.............Their oath is to ISLAM....not America.    :thumbsup:

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Sometimes it's better to be silent than to say stuff that's stupid.   The Dems were having a great time battling amongst themselves, with even the mainstream media highlighting their catfight.   But now Trump steps in and tweets his garbage that prompts all the Dems to unite under the banner of decrying his "racism".  Anyone think the next few news cycles are going to be about Dem infighting rather than outrage at Trump?   

Trump's a fool,  and I'm sick and tired of him being our fool.

President TRUMP. said NOTHING foolish.  He said the truth.  We Americans, wonder the same thing.  I say you are foolish for NOT SUPPORTING OUR PRESIDENT.  You think YOU are smarter?   When you campaign & become president, you can do things...'better'.  Like, talk to KIM JUNG UN.  STEP INTO North Korea.  GET HOSTAGES RELEASED. Are you a male? 
That male ego of one-up-man-ship is showing.  You are NOT smarter than President TRUMP.  More like jealousy.

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Can't say I see anything controversial about what Kasich says.   It IS well past time for Republicans to stand up and criticize the President when it is warranted.    I think this is one of those times.   Consider it constructive criticism -  don't tweet without thinking first.   And don't step in and ruin a political narrative that is running in your favor by spouting crapola that will turn the narrative from Dem in-fighting to unity over the "racism" of your verbal diarrhea.   

If YOU can't see what is wrong with Kasich, then you are lost.  You spout verbal diarrhea ...on here! Run for president, as you seem to have all the answers!  YOU..are against...TRUTH.

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I think it's safe to say there are folks who were sick and tired of Trump before he even ran for President.  It sort of blunts declarations of same now.

No...they all loved him...till he ran for president under republican handle.  He is actually a CENTRIST.   It has to do with a lot of male jealousy!  One, just posted on here about his TROPHY WIVES.  The ONES'..MOST OF YOU MALES CAN'T GET!
So much male astounding to me.   :yowsa:    333cleo

Offline corbe

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No...they all loved him...till he ran for president under republican handle.  He is actually a CENTRIST.   It has to do with a lot of male jealousy!  One, just posted on here about his TROPHY WIVES.  The ONES'..MOST OF YOU MALES CAN'T GET!
So much male astounding to me.   :yowsa:    333cleo

    You smell it too, don't you @LegalAmerican oftentimes this place reeks with testosterone.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline roamer_1

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No...they all loved him...till he ran for president under republican handle. 

No,I never loved him. Hell, I hardly even knew of his existence.

He is actually a CENTRIST.   

He is actually a NYC liberal.

It has to do with a lot of male jealousy!  One, just posted on here about his TROPHY WIVES.  The ONES'..MOST OF YOU MALES CAN'T GET!

You've got a weird idea of what men want. Who the hell would want that plastic barbie doll kind?
Sure as hell not me. Cost too much, whine all the time, and can't kill a chicken.
Totally off base.

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   That may all be well (for you) and TRUE @Right_in_Virginia but can you answer me this:  WTF is his BASE going, they are addicted to the Red Meat and are 'locked in'. 
   When does he turn the corner and try to start harvesting some 'relevant' votes like the Moderates and Independents?



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President TRUMP is a CENTRIST. 

Trump is a liberal. A big money spending, central government loving NYC liberal.


None of that is principled Conservatism, so no, not good enough.
Not to mention that most of that statement is bullcrap. You know, like that magapill site you spew everywhere. 
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 09:26:56 pm by roamer_1 »

Offline FeelNoPain

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  • Could have ended QAnon with a tweet.
The leftist media would have us believe 2018 was a harbinger, but the facts say otherwise. One, there were far more GOP seats open, thanks in part to GOPe members bailing out.

And why did so many of them bail? Happenstance? They saw the writing on the wall.

Also, the numbers were pumped up by states like California with their ballot harvesting, etc. where every-single-close-race fell to the rats.

Okay, but what does that have to do with Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania?

As far as the 'aging, shrinking base', according to recent polls the marxist foursome in the House seems to be widely detested by the middle of the roaders as well, so I'm not so sure your characterization is entirely accurate.

Anyway we'll see come next year.

I just don't see how 4 (out of 435) inconsequential freshmen congresswomen comes close to having the impact at the voting booth that the magnetic, omnipresent Commander-in-Chief does (even as Trump adroitly tries to make them the face of the Dems), but we'll see.

"I’d like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the United States Capitol. Like all Americans I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem...

To demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol: you have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction: you do not represent our country. And to those who broke the law: you will pay." - President Donald J. Trump, January 7th, 2021