Author Topic: The Texas Minute for 7/10/2019  (Read 446 times)

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The Texas Minute for 7/10/2019
« on: July 10, 2019, 12:38:16 pm »
Good morning, Here is today's Texas Minute.

by Brandon Waltens & Morgan Williamson

    Radical liberal labor unions are continuing to outdo themselves. Just this past weekend, the National Education Association—the largest teachers union in the country—met in Houston...and passed a resolution supporting unfettered abortion on demand for students.     

    The resolution reads: “the NEA will include an assertion of our defense of a person’s right to control their own body, especially for women, youth, and sexually marginalized people. The NEA vigorously opposes all attacks on the right to choose and stands on the fundamental right to abortion under Roe v. Wade.”     

    And these are the people educating our children…     

    Meanwhile, for the past several legislative sessions, the Republican-led Texas Legislature has failed to act to stop the threat posed by left labor unions. Despite being a legislative priority of the Republican Party of Texas last session, legislation was not even filed to eliminate the taxpayer-funded collection of union dues. Keep in mind—that money goes to support leftist causes and leftist political candidates.     

    Conservative Texans have to wonder if the current state of education—and the education unions—truly reflects their values.

In his first article for Texas Scorecard, one of our summer interns, Sam Samson, writes about homelessness in Austin and the goofy ways Austin City Council is attempting to “fix” the problem.

In recent weeks, the City has actually begun allowing the homeless—and anyone else—to camp out anywhere around town, be it on the sidewalk or in front of residents’ homes.

“The new Austin ordinance failing to provide a tangible solution to the city’s homeless problem serves as another example of progressives’ inclination for platitudes and the optics of humanitarianism, while ignoring the true root of the problem—their own beloved big government ideology.”

Out in Midland County, Matt Stringer writes that Rory McKinney has officially declared his candidacy for sheriff.
Texans may be surprised to learn state lawmakers have spread inaccurate talking points related to what they’ve called their biggest legislative achievement in decades. Ross Kecseg has the details on the inaccurate talking points being spread regarding the legislature's omnibus school spending bill, House Bill 3. It makes you wonder: Do these cats even read the bills before passing them?

Number of the Day


Number of households in Texas between 2013 and 2017.

Today in History

On July 10, 1783, the Spanish governor of Texas issued strict rules about the branding and export of cattle. The move was unpopular with Texas' ranchers.


"If a tax cut increases government revenue, you haven't cut taxes enough."

– Milton Friedman​