Author Topic: International Union Of Muslim Scholars Head: The True Victims Of Jew-Hatred Today Are Islam And The  (Read 163 times)

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International Union Of Muslim Scholars Head: The True Victims Of Jew-Hatred Today Are Islam And The Muslims
By Pamela Geller - on July 8, 2019

These people are nuts. Islamic Jew hatred is like some mad cow diseas

    MEMRI, July 8, 2019

    On June 25, 2019, Dr. Ahmed Al-Raissouni, head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), reposted on the organization’s website an article he wrote in 2003 on the subject of antisemitism. In this article he claims that accusations of antisemitism have become a deadly weapon in the West that is used to stifle freedom of thought, expression and research. This weapon, he explains, is used against figures who criticize Israel or various “Western and Jewish positions,” causing them to be maligned and sometimes even prosecuted or fired from their posts. As an example he mentions Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, who faced a “vicious campaign” based on the “routine accusation” of antisemitism. This is presumably a reference to the harsh criticism incurred by bin Mohamad in 2003 after he said at an October 16 summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) that “the Jews rule this world by proxy” and “get others to fight and die for them,” adding that “1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews” but must find a way to “strategize and then to counter attack.” Al-Raissouni also mentions French philosopher Roger Garaudy, who in 1998 was prosecuted for Holocaust denial under French law for challenging the veracity of the Holocaust in his 1996 book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics.