Author Topic: Welcome to the Democrat Freak Show  (Read 308 times)

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Offline EdJames

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Welcome to the Democrat Freak Show
« on: July 07, 2019, 12:08:54 pm »

Welcome to the Democrat Freak Show

July 7, 2019
By Rich Logis


The Democrats' working families, small business growth, and national security plan is as follows: raise our taxes; abolish private-pay health insurance; take our guns; regulate our industries out of existence; take what's left of our salaries to pay for slavery reparations and abortions for men; exploit our youths into Vlad Lenin idol-worshiping Redcoat Hitler Youth; and open our borders indefinitely, suborning illegal aliens to break laws without consequences.  Oh, and don't forget the "free" health care for illegal aliens!

There are "Truman Show" narratives, and there's reality.  What was heard on the stages of the first two Democrat 2020 "debates" was the antithesis of what the majority of Americans in the majority of states want: nationalism and strong state sovereignty, fewer taxes and less government spending, guaranteed constitutional rights upheld by our courts and lawmakers, and good ol' common sense.  There wasn't much "debating"; all 20 candidates, including the complicit NBC moderators, peddled virtually identical anti-American and anti-nationalist polices.  One wrestled with whether to laugh or to cry, mortified. 

Are the Democrat candidates trying to lose?  A century after Major League Baseball's Black Sox Scandal, one would be forgiven for mistaking the Democrats as the political equivalent of the Sox.  I don't believe that the freaks are trying to lose, but I'm confident that they know what they're selling isn't the Glengarry leads.

The only Democrats who should frighten us more than those who don't believe the inanity they peddle are the ones who do.  The Democrats' 2020 platform is tailored to the tens of millions of young voters they've spent the last two decades exploiting via A Clockwork Orange Ludovico-esque techniques and tactics. The people on these stages are worse than fringe wackos, conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites, such as Alex Jones and Louis Farrakhan, because they're established, accepted figures within one of our two major parties.  The syllabus of their political education includes sharia theocracy, Marxism, Leninism, communism, socialism, Nazism, Stalinism, and Maoism.  The freaks are the anthropomorphic amalgamation of the worst mass-suffering, oppressive ideologies in world history.  Listen to how Democrats talk: we're going to take your money, take your guns, put you in jail, put you out of business.  That tens of millions nationwide cheerlead for this is horrifying.

Democrats want us fearing the government; when the people are afraid of the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2019, 12:10:36 pm by EdJames »