Author Topic: Majestic 12, the Secret Space Program, and The Wilson Memo. Deeper Disclosures ...  (Read 2443 times)

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Majestic 12, the Secret Space Program, and The Wilson Memo. Deeper Disclosures with #NEONREVOLT. #QAnon #GreatAwakening
June 28, 2019 by Neon Revolt

[This would properly go in the QQQ thread. However, I believe it is of enough import as a topic and as a source to have it's own thread. I hope to quote enough to whet your interest--but the whole article is worth reading at the link at the bottom--Quix]

This article has taken me a while… because I wanted to make sure I did the subject justice.

What follows is pretty mind-bending, but important to keep in mind and consider, moving forward. Just know that in the end, regardless of where you land in relation to this subject… Everything Is Going to Be Okay. Keep an open mind, and if this ends up like reading an alternate history, that’s because… it largely is.

With that in mind, do me a favor and try to reconcile this Q posts from a while back…

With this Q post:

In the first post, Q almost sounds sarcastic. But let me ask you this:

Is sarcasm a common characteristic of Q’s posts?

Didn’t think so.

Strictly speaking, Q didn’t answer “no” in post #376. All he said was “What do you think?” And while we’re tempted to maybe, upon first glance, read sarcasm into that bit of text, I don’t think that’s the intended meaning, especially when you take Q’s later answer, in drop 2222, into consideration.

If you ask me, I think Q was dodging the question in the earlier drop. Answering a question with a question, instead of a simple “yes” or “no” is a common-enough rhetorical dodge. And while at the time there were stories circulating about UFOs that certainly were intended as a distraction (take, for instance, this story), that doesn’t mean that the “source material” for said distraction is false…

Now, color your understanding of everything with this subsequent Qdrop, and really try to wrap your head around the implications of what it means:

    Programs exist that are outside of public domain.

This is what I want to focus on tonight: the Secret Space Program (or SSP for short), and all the questions swirling around it. For as we know, Trump is big on creating the “Space Force…”

But what if he wasn’t so much creating it, as much as disclosing the existence of what was already in place?

And if this program already exists… the biggest question you can ask with regards to it is…


The answer is downright Majestic.

And for a more complete understanding, we now turn once again to the works of Bill Cooper, who Q himself referenced in Qdrop 782, seemingly endorsing Bill’s larger work, Behold, a Pale Horse (or at least piquing the curiosity of many Anons – myself included).

For those unfamiliar with Cooper, he’s very much in the same league as Fritz Springmeier; which is to say a Cabal researcher of profound intellect and importance. After working for the Office of Naval Intelligence, where he was privy to a number of classified documents and witnessed, for lack of a better term, a gigantic “flying saucer” descend under the Pacific waters to an underground base in the depths, Cooper seemingly went on a one-man-crusade to expose the inner workings of the Cabal to the American citizenry. He would die when he was fatally shot by Federal agents (ostensibly after he resisted being arrested over “tax issues).” Prior to that, he had correctly predicted the 9/11 attacks.

(Did you catch that at 2:47?)

In short, Bill Cooper is everything Alex Jones isn’t.

Oh, and he also coined the phrase “Wake up Sheeple!”

All that’s to say we should sit up and pay attention to this lengthy essay he penned in the late 80’s, entitled:

    Majestic 12 And The Secret Government

. . .

« Last Edit: October 16, 2019, 07:21:14 pm by Quix »
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