Author Topic: Cruz to Conservatives: ‘Defend Freedom’ in 2020 or Lose It  (Read 4140 times)

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Online libertybele

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Cruz to Conservatives: ‘Defend Freedom’ in 2020 or Lose It

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to the Majority conference in Washington, DC, on Thursday that conservatives have to defend freedom in 2020, because if President Donald Trump isn’t reelected, many freedoms could be lost...........

This is a time of consequence,” Cruz said. “This is a time when the fate of the nation is being debated.”

“Defend freedom,” Cruz said, and that includes fighting for economic freedom, religious liberty, and freedom of speech.

Under Trump, Cruz said, tax cuts, deregulation, creating jobs, and lowering unemployment has shown what economic freedom can accomplish.

“It’s for a very simple reason — freedom works,” Cruz said.

“We need to defend not just economic freedom, we need to defend religious liberty — something each and every one of us cares deeply about,” Cruz said. “Every one of our rights in the Bill of Rights – we depend on the judiciary to safeguard those rights.”....
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Online roamer_1

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Offline Applewood

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“Defend freedom,” Cruz said, and that includes fighting for economic freedom, religious liberty, and freedom of speech.

Well, Ted, if your hero had it his way, he would shut down any media outlet and anyone or anything else that he didn't like.  So I don't know that he is a defender of our freedoms either. 

No politician really likes our Constitution.  If most of them had it their way, they would be our lords and masters.  Why else do you think there is no interest by either party in getting rid of Obamacare?  It's because Obamacare was meant to be a prelude to full-on government controlled health care, which would allow the state to decide whether you live or die. Politicians from both parties crave power.  Control over life and death is the ultimate power. 

I really tire of scare tactics used by either party to compel voters to select their candidate over the opposition.  No, Ted, I don't have to vote for Trump to save us from Biden or whoever else the Democrats nominate.  That scare tactic didn't work on me in 2016 when the Democrat nominee was Hillary.  It won't work on me now. 

By the way, Ted, whatever happened to your advice in 2016 to "vote your conscience?"  How does it feel to be a lapdog to the guy who almost destroyed you and your family in 2016?

Online libertybele

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Well, Ted, if your hero had it his way, he would shut down any media outlet and anyone or anything else that he didn't like.  So I don't know that he is a defender of our freedoms either. 

No politician really likes our Constitution.  If most of them had it their way, they would be our lords and masters.  Why else do you think there is no interest by either party in getting rid of Obamacare?  It's because Obamacare was meant to be a prelude to full-on government controlled health care, which would allow the state to decide whether you live or die. Politicians from both parties crave power.  Control over life and death is the ultimate power. 

I really tire of scare tactics used by either party to compel voters to select their candidate over the opposition.  No, Ted, I don't have to vote for Trump to save us from Biden or whoever else the Democrats nominate.  That scare tactic didn't work on me in 2016 when the Democrat nominee was Hillary.  It won't work on me now. 

By the way, Ted, whatever happened to your advice in 2016 to "vote your conscience?"  How does it feel to be a lapdog to the guy who almost destroyed you and your family in 2016?

He several times stated in 2016 he was voting for Trump for 2 reasons; to ensure that a conservative SCOTUS was put on the bench and defeat Hillary.  That's exactly why I voted for Trump; and the only reasons. 

I'm not so certain that I am going to vote for Trump again as he has placed 2 SCOTUS on the bench, so that is no longer an issue for me; he may or may not have a chance to nominate another one.  What remains an issue for me is the crisis at the border.  It was not one of the reasons that I voted for him, but his FAILURE has become a major disaster for this country and will impact this country and so far, it is impacting this country in a very negative way. He has handled the crisis at the border very poorly and perhaps that's an understatement.  He has FAILED to negotiate border security and border funding for the wall with the DEMS and he Bigly missed an opportunity to do so when he had a GOP majority; even though Cruz strongly encouraged him to do so.

IF he continues to cave to the DEMS on the border, then I cannot and will not vote for him; I will vote down ballot.

Lap dog?  I don't quite see it that way.  Cruz has stood behind this president when he felt he was right and he has also told his fellow Senators that they need to do their darn jobs.  Trump played dirty during the debates and electoral process; but does that mean that Cruz should go against everything he does, even if he feels he's right? What would that accomplish other than give more power to the DEMS?   Cruz is doing his job as a Senator.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline Sanguine

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He several times stated in 2016 he was voting for Trump for 2 reasons; to ensure that a conservative SCOTUS was put on the bench and defeat Hillary.  That's exactly why I voted for Trump; and the only reasons. 

I'm not so certain that I am going to vote for Trump again as he has placed 2 SCOTUS on the bench, so that is no longer an issue for me; he may or may not have a chance to nominate another one.  What remains an issue for me is the crisis at the border.  It was not one of the reasons that I voted for him, but his FAILURE has become a major disaster for this country and will impact this country and so far, it is impacting this country in a very negative way. He has handled the crisis at the border very poorly and perhaps that's an understatement.  He has FAILED to negotiate border security and border funding for the wall with the DEMS and he Bigly missed an opportunity to do so when he had a GOP majority; even though Cruz strongly encouraged him to do so.

IF he continues to cave to the DEMS on the border, then I cannot and will not vote for him; I will vote down ballot.

Lap dog?  I don't quite see it that way.  Cruz has stood behind this president when he felt he was right and he has also told his fellow Senators that they need to do their darn jobs.  Trump played dirty during the debates and electoral process; but does that mean that Cruz should go against everything he does, even if he feels he's right? What would that accomplish other than give more power to the DEMS?   Cruz is doing his job as a Senator.

Well said, but it doesn't matter to either those who think Trump can do no wrong and those who think everything Trump does is wrong.  Unreasoning and unreasonable.

Offline Applewood

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If nothing has been done about the illegal immigrant invasion after 3 years of Trump and Republican control of congress for even longer, it's not going to happen before 2020.  Even electing Trump to another term won't do it, in spite of any campaign promises he makes now.  Republicans may talk a good game, but in the reality, they are not interested in fixing this situation.  We might as well face it.  They have been making the same promises since at least 2010.  If they really wanted to keep their promises, they would have by now. 

Online roamer_1

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We might as well face it.  They have been making the same promises since at least 2010.  If they really wanted to keep their promises, they would have by now.

They have been making their promises since Reagan - Nearly my whole life, since I have been politically aware... Their promises ain't worth a tinker's dam.

And I am with you - Right down the line.
I have lost all faith in Cruz. I don't know that I would vote for him now.

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Very brave, going out on a limb again saying these controversial things. Very original too. I'm glad he won't be running for Senator for a number of years now and he may well be in the race in 2024, in fact, I'd say he certainly would be.

Offline berdie

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They have been making their promises since Reagan - Nearly my whole life, since I have been politically aware... Their promises ain't worth a tinker's dam.

And I am with you - Right down the line.
I have lost all faith in Cruz. I don't know that I would vote for him now.

Well, @roamer_1  I am generally in agreement with you but I don't really have a giant problem with Cruz.

Would I vote for him again? Yep. I did last time.  Let me see...Beto...Cruz...Beto...Cruz.? Not really a hard choice, imho.

Online roamer_1

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Well, @roamer_1  I am generally in agreement with you but I don't really have a giant problem with Cruz.

Would I vote for him again? Yep. I did last time. Let me see...Beto...Cruz...Beto...Cruz.? Not really a hard choice, imho.

A false choice, @berdie , as always - The lesser evil is a poor argument.

What has soured me on Cruz is two-fold:

That he cow-tows to Tump after the very personal wreckage Tump made of his life during the campaign is just plain unconscionable. All he ought to give that clown is a dot on his eye. And for what he did to Cruz's family - well, were it me, he'd not have any teeth left.

That otherwise has happened is a dilemma in character that any western man would understand, not to mention servile cooperation.

And that cooperation - voting for massive spending and big government bullcrap is a slap in the face to every TEA party member that used to hold him in high esteem. His shifting principles and failure to defend the honor of his wife and his father leave me questioning his backbone, and left me with a very sour taste.

Offline Sanguine

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A false choice, @berdie , as always - The lesser evil is a poor argument.

What has soured me on Cruz is two-fold:

That he cow-tows to Tump after the very personal wreckage Tump made of his life during the campaign is just plain unconscionable. All he ought to give that clown is a dot on his eye. And for what he did to Cruz's family - well, were it me, he'd not have any teeth left.

That otherwise has happened is a dilemma in character that any western man would understand, not to mention servile cooperation.

And that cooperation - voting for massive spending and big government bullcrap is a slap in the face to every TEA party member that used to hold him in high esteem. His shifting principles and failure to defend the honor of his wife and his father leave me questioning his backbone, and left me with a very sour taste.

I see it very differently.  First of all, Cruz is not kow-towing to Trump.  He has put aside his ego and is doing the right thing for the nation, not his ego.  Not sure why you see that as giving in to Trump.

Online roamer_1

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I see it very differently.  First of all, Cruz is not kow-towing to Trump.  He has put aside his ego and is doing the right thing for the nation, not his ego.  Not sure why you see that as giving in to Trump.

What he's voting for. Spending bills alone are enough to make the claim - there is no spending bill that is good for the country at this point. And he is MILES away from the guy who yelled about omnibus spending a few short years ago...

Offline Applewood

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I see it very differently.  First of all, Cruz is not kow-towing to Trump.  He has put aside his ego and is doing the right thing for the nation, not his ego.  Not sure why you see that as giving in to Trump.

I believe Cruz figured out that in order to win re-election, he had to serve the big guy.  Cruz does still have some good points, but in the end, he is a self-serving politician like the rest of them.  He and his career are number one; the voters take a back seat.

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What he's voting for. Spending bills alone are enough to make the claim - there is no spending bill that is good for the country at this point. And he is MILES away from the guy who yelled about omnibus spending a few short years ago...

Agreed, that one vote was an error.  However, his overall record has been solidly conservative. 

Online roamer_1

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He has put aside his ego [...]

And by the way... It is not a matter of ego - It is a matter of honor.

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And by the way... It is not a matter of ego - It is a matter of honor.

You're right, he should have demanded a duel.

Online roamer_1

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Agreed, that one vote was an error.  However, his overall record has been solidly conservative.

Prior to this administration, I would agree with you. Now, not so much.

Online roamer_1

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You're right, he should have demanded a duel.

Nah. He should have just kicked his ass.

Offline Sanguine

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Prior to this administration, I would agree with you. Now, not so much.

It's not a question of whether you agree or not, it just is.

Online roamer_1

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It's not a question of whether you agree or not, it just is.

No, his entire record prior to Tump no longer matters.

Offline Sanguine

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Nah. He should have just kicked his ass.

Literally or in the election?  I agree with the first and hope it happens in the future and the second wasn't to be.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 01:27:03 am by Sanguine »

Online roamer_1

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Literally or in the election?  I agree with the first and hope it happens in the future and the second wasn't to be.

Yes, literally... And had he done so, he'd have probably won the election. Sometimes you've gotta draw a hard line.

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No, his entire record prior to Tump no longer matters.

Well, if that's the ruler you are using we are all lost.  I think that the majority of what I have done in life is on the good side of the scale and, hopefully it makes up for the stuff on the other side of the scale.

Online roamer_1

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Well, if that's the ruler you are using we are all lost.  I think that the majority of what I have done in life is on the good side of the scale and, hopefully it makes up for the stuff on the other side of the scale.

That's right. But if tomorrow you suddenly started drinkin and whorin around... What is your past worth then?

Online corbe

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I believe Cruz figured out that in order to win re-election, he had to serve the big guy.  Cruz does still have some good points, but in the end, he is a self-serving politician like the rest of them.  He and his career are number one; the voters take a back seat.

   I agree with the first part of your post @Applewood The GOP, his party, is in the hands of the President. To survive he had to adapt.  I was/am not happy about it but that last Budget Vote (his first in 6 years) was the proverbial straw for me, in exchange for a Trump Rally/Endorsement.   
   I didn't even bother to vote for him in the last TX election.  Maybe he'll be able to step out of the Donald's shadow more and more often in the future, I hope so, we need him.   
   He's got one damn good thing going for him, Cornyn, our other Senator, couldn't carry his bathwater.
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