Author Topic: Reparations: Democrats Scam and Insult Blacks Again  (Read 227 times)

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Reparations: Democrats Scam and Insult Blacks Again
« on: June 22, 2019, 12:49:07 pm »
June 22, 2019
Reparations: Democrats Scam and Insult Blacks Again
By Lloyd Marcus

A congressional hearing was held on a bill to study reparations for blacks as payback for slavery. Reparations is simply another worm Democrat presidential candidates will put on the hook of their fishing rods to catch black votes.

I am a black man who is proud, grateful, and understands how blessed I am to be born an American. My response to the Democrats' reparations scam is, “Please stop!”. Please stop telling black Americans that we are crippled, inferior and are helpless children who can only succeed via government handouts, lowered standards and special concessions. Just stop it!

The Civil War effectively ended slavery in 1863. After eight years of Americans making a black man the leader of the free world, Democrats are absurdly claiming blacks are suffering the negative repercussions of slavery and deserve a check. These people (Democrats) are evil, divisive, race-baiting and race-exploiting con artists.


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Re: Reparations: Democrats Scam and Insult Blacks Again
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2019, 12:50:29 pm »
The Cloward/Piven strategy calls for reparations as one way to help break the financial back of America. 888sunglass