Author Topic: UK Gov't Makes Its First Conviction of Person Who Made A 3-D Print Gun  (Read 251 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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MRC TV by P. Gardner Goldsmith 6/21/2019

The government of the United Kingdom just garnered its first conviction in an “exciting” new field of oppression.

It nailed a man for making a 3-D printed gun.

As AFP reports, in October of 2017, London police invaded the apartment of Tendai Muswere, a 26 year-old student from Zimbabwe studying in England. Searching for marijuana, the police claim they found the components for an evil inanimate object, a 3-D printed gun capable of firing one shot.

Neither AFP, nor The Guardian are clear as to what happened, legally, upon that first discovery. They both observe that Muswere claimed that he had printed the components to use in a dystopian student film, but he did not provide details about the film to police, and, based on subsequent records, Muswere was not prosecuted for the parts.

It was later, in February, when the police revealed that the UK is already a dystopian nightmare.

That’s when they executed a second raid, found a complete gun made from the 3-D printed parts, and arrested Muswere for unlicensed possession of an unregistered firearm.

Sure, philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, and many more, have correctly stated that every man has an inherent right to self-defense. Sure, Muswere is a man.

But possession of a firearm is a no-no for collectivists, and collectivists have run the British government for decades.
