Author Topic: Dictator in exile, Medici edition: Is Obama secretly meeting with Italy's Renzi to get their storie  (Read 249 times)

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June 17, 2019
Dictator in exile, Medici edition: Is Obama secretly meeting with Italy's Renzi to get their stories straight?
By Monica Showalter

Former President Obama's weird careening around Europe is starting to have the look of a spygate rationale.

Following his earlier meetings, publicly known, with President Emmanuel Macron of France, and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, he's now meeting secretly with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, in what might just be a bid for the two of them to get their stories straight. Italy, recall, is the nation that elected a Trump-like new government, following the deep state collaborations of the earlier government, and the new government has fired four Italian intelligence officials, apparently over a spygate bid to pin Russian collusion charges, falsely, on President Trump via planted emails, in a Machiavellian bid to get him thrown out of office.

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