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Even More Pics!

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In honor of Obuttocks' foray into another grown-ups' only subject he knows nothing about - resolving the federal debt mess:



Yeah, I know; I must have gone off the deep end, right?  Be patient grasshopper, there is method to my madness.  This is but prelude.

Not the least of which is, if any liberal comes poking around and likes this, s/he is gonna get the shock of her/his miserable existence from the rest of it.

Besides which, it shows that even when it comes to something as trivial as graphics and logo design - "art" as the liberals like to preen themselves on when they do it - we're better than they are; I've taken a rather stupid, dull logo and built a very nice little graphic out of it.


This is somebody's avatar on ATS!

Thought you'd appreciate it.



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