Author Topic: Why Are The Hollywood And D.C. Elites Saying So Little About The Protests In China?  (Read 170 times)

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Why Are The Hollywood And D.C. Elites Saying So Little About The Protests In China?
Posted on June 13, 2019 by DCWhispers   

Hundreds of thousands fill the streets of Hong Kong risking their lives to protest an oppressive communist regime—and the American elites say almost nothing.

The Chinese government owns much of Hollywood and the media-entertainment complex throughout the United States. So much so that when a film is made in America, the studio has to be seek approval by the Chinese government in order to be granted access to the Chinese movie-goer market and that alone is often the difference between profit and loss.

China knows this. Hollywood knows this.

All of these “activist” celebrities in this country are so quick to speak out on issues that don’t impact their pocketbooks but when a major event like what is taking place in Hong Kong right now breaks out what do they do? THEY GO SILENT because to lose favor with China is to potentially lose a career.