Author Topic: Hey Joe Biden, Here Are Some Scandals You Forgot  (Read 314 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Hey Joe Biden, Here Are Some Scandals You Forgot
« on: June 14, 2019, 11:22:00 am »
Hey Joe Biden, Here Are Some Scandals You Forgot
A historical refresher.
The Federalist, Jun 12, 2019, David Harsanyi

In an era where every presidential tweet is an existential threat to democracy, there are probably plenty of people who believe this myth. Off the bat, though, it should be mentioned that even liberal factchecking outfit PolitiFact once awarded Barack Obama the “Lie of Year” for misleading the American people about his technocratic health-care plan.

Our former vice president, no slouch about misleading the public on the ACA, probably forgot.


“If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” was only one of an array of demonstrably false statements fed to the public to give (now-extinct) moderate Democrats cover. You might remember one of Obamacare’s architects, Jonathan Gruber, explaining how this “lack of transparency” compounded by “the stupidity of the American voter” was a huge political advantage for the administration. Or maybe you don’t.

How many Americans knew, for instance, that “Operation Fast and Furious” put around 2,000 weapons into the hands of narco-traffickers (and an Islamic terrorist), leading to the murder of hundreds of Mexican citizens, and at least one American, a border agent named Brian Terry? Not enough.


Then again, Obama could secretly send planes filled with cash to pay ransom to an Islamist terror state responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American servicemen (using money that had been earmarked for terror victims), and most reporters would still regurgitate echo-chamber talking points. You remember Ben Rhodes bragging about how the Obama administration could trick 27-years-olds whose “only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns” because they “literally know nothing?”

Politico’s Josh Meyer, who did know something, would write a deeply sourced piece—featuring numerous real-life, on-the-record administration officials— about the Obama administration’s efforts to undermine investigations into a drug-trafficking ring run by Hezbollah operating in the United States, and most major news organizations never even mentioned it.

Today, President Trump’s Twitter attacks on CNN reporters are threats to the future of free expression. Back in 2012, the Obama’s Department of Justice spied on the Associated Press, tapping around 20 different phone lines—including cell phone and home lines—that captured at least 100 staffers who worked for the outlet. The government kept records of all outgoing calls “for both the work and personal phone numbers of individual reporters” and the main line used by reporters in the House of Representatives.


Offline jafo2010

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Re: Hey Joe Biden, Here Are Some Scandals You Forgot
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2019, 06:17:04 pm »
Good Americans are dead because of many felonious transgressions by members of the Obama Administration.  Every key member of his government should be cooling their heels in prison, and some of them deserve the Rosenberg treatment.

But justice in Waashington does not exist, so these criminals will continue to plague the people of this nation.  Where are these stinking FISA judges?  Quiet as church mice.  They are part of the coup, and all of them should get hit for treason too!