Author Topic: The University System Is the Progressives' Seminary  (Read 611 times)

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The University System Is the Progressives' Seminary
« on: June 10, 2019, 11:26:38 am »
June 10, 2019
The University System Is the Progressives' Seminary
By Hezekiah Kantor

One hallmark of religions is they often have an institution of higher learning, where the most ambitious and well schooled young people go to complete their religious training and enter the world as leaders of their faith.  In Christianity, we call these seminaries.  A seminary is the place where a devout believer goes before he enters ministry.  Once this training is completed, he is called to go out into the world to minister to his flock and to convert the unconverted.

The Progressive Left has a seminary, too — a finishing school where the ambitious and well schooled are polished to become "ministers" of their religion.  It is the American university system.

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