Author Topic: Trump’s Mexico Tariffs: Result of Congressional Obstruction  (Read 194 times)

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Trump’s Mexico Tariffs: Result of Congressional Obstruction
Congress and courts have undermined border security - tariffs are a last resort.
June 4, 2019
Michael Cutler

On May 30, 2019 President Trump announced that he was contemplating imposing tariffs against Mexican imports to the United States to force Mexico to assist in securing the U.S./Mexican border. The very next day, CNN reported, "Trump threatens tariffs on Mexico over immigration" while USA Today reported, "US Chamber weighing lawsuit against White House over Trump tariffs."

Trump is now seeking to impose tariffs on the goods from Mexico to gain control over the highly porous southern border of the United States, through which tonnage of deadly drugs and other contraband freely flow into the country and unknown hundreds of thousand of illegal aliens enter without inspection. Trump's action is the direct result of the unwillingness of the “leaders” of both the Democratic and Republican parties to have provided the administration with the tools it clearly needs to end the crisis.