Author Topic: With Free Speech Zones and Safe Spaces for All…  (Read 155 times)

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With Free Speech Zones and Safe Spaces for All…
« on: June 05, 2019, 12:58:42 pm »
May 31, 2019
With Free Speech Zones and Safe Spaces for All…
By Lathan Watts

Each year during graduation season we are treated to what amounts to the closing ceremony of the Olympics of virtue signaling on college campuses across the nation. The competitors -- students who have spent four years in training -- huddling in safe spaces to avoid speakers with whom they disagree, using the free speech zone to learn what they’re supposed to be offended by, and demanding ridiculous measures be adopted by university administrators to remedy every perceived ill in human history. The gold medalists in this farce are the “walk-outs” -- the students who draw as much attention to themselves as possible by walking out of the commencement ceremony in protest of the commencement speaker. This year is no different; ask Vice President Mike Pence.

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