Author Topic: Dem Presidential Candidates Love the Occupy Movement  (Read 178 times)

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Dem Presidential Candidates Love the Occupy Movement
« on: June 03, 2019, 12:02:29 pm »

Dem Presidential Candidates Love the Occupy Movement
They have long embraced Occupy's socialist dream.
May 31, 2019

As we survey the large collection of leftists who are currently seeking the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, it is illuminating to recall how very enthusiastically these same people supported the goals and values of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement when it initially burst upon the political scene a few years ago. Launched in September 2011, OWS became famous for its drumbeat narrative about the inherent evils of capitalist greed, the injustices of financial inequality, and the need for a massive transfer of wealth from the top “1 percent” to the other “99 percent.” By injecting this narrative into the political atmosphere, OWS laid the vital groundwork for President Obama‘s 2012 re-election campaign, which was based heavily on the promotion of class envy and class warfare.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, who now wants to be president, once went so far as to boast that she herself had “created much of the intellectual foundation for what they [the Occupy protesters] do.” “I support what they do,” she emphasized.

In a similar vein, current presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders lauded OWS in 2011 as an “extremely important” initiative that was “focusing attention” on the “greed and recklessness” of Wall Street, and on “the huge issue of income and wealth inequality.”