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10 Of 10 Coastal Antarctic Stations Show Zero Warming Over Past Decades. Failed Scientists Need To R


10 Of 10 Coastal Antarctic Stations Show Zero Warming Over Past Decades. Failed Scientists Need To Resign

By P Gosselin on 31. May 2019

By Kirye
and Pierre Gosselin

Update: Another coastal station has been added: Novolazarevsk, so it’s 11 stations.

Over the past few years, climate alarmists have increasingly been resorting to weather-ambulance chasing, which has necessitated the trotting of the globe in the search of weather anomalies to behold as proof of man-made climate change.

But one place they have been avoiding like the plague is Antarctica as a number of studies have been showing the opposite of what what predicted earlier has been happening down at the South Pole, except for volcanic activity beneath parts of the Antarctic ice shelf.

Analysis of Antarctic stations show cooling

We are gettng closer and closer every day to fulling exposing the biggest hoax in human history.

I hope these enviro-whacko so called climate scientists get jail time.


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on June 01, 2019, 05:16:11 pm ---We are gettng closer and closer every day to fulling exposing the biggest hoax in human history.

I hope these enviro-whacko so called climate scientists get jail time.

--- End quote ---
Maybe it will be exposed. But Al Gore will still be a billionaire with 8 super campus mansions, 3 stretch limos, and a private jet.


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