Author Topic: Barr: What If "Appalling" FBI Texts Were Written About Obama Candidacy In 2007?  (Read 144 times)

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Barr: What If "Appalling" FBI Texts Were Written About Obama Candidacy In 2007?
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date May 31, 2019

In an interview with CBS News legal correspondent Jan Crawford, Attorney General Bill Barr explained why he wants to investigate how the FBI and DOJ handled the counterintelligence investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign's suspected ties to Russia and wondered how it would have played in the media if "the shoe was on the other foot."

"I'm not suggesting that people did what they did necessarily because of conscious, nefarious motives. Sometimes people can convince themselves that what they're doing is in the higher interest, the better good. They don't realize that what they're doing is really antithetical to the democratic system that we have," Barr said.

"It's hard to read some of the texts with and not feel that there was gross bias at work and they're appalling," Barr said, referring to messages sent between former FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page. "They were very damning and I think if the shoe was on the other foot we could be hearing a lot about it."