State Chapters > Texas

What to know about the new smoking ban at San Antonio’s parks and plazas


What to know about the new smoking ban at San Antonio’s parks and plazas
Lauren Caruba    May 31, 2019 
Starting Saturday, cigarettes and tobacco products will be banned at city parks and plazas throughout San Antonio.

Officials hope that the new policy, which was approved by City Council in April, will promote healthy habits and discourage youth from using tobacco.

“We definitely want to make sure that our park spaces and plaza spaces are welcoming and enjoyable environments for the public,” said Connie Swann, marketing manager for the Parks and Recreation Department.
Fifty-two other municipalities across Texas have adopted ordinances prohibiting tobacco use in public parks.


   I suppose my little town will adopt this crap soon, but it won't matter to me, I'm gonna do it anyway.  Just yesterday I vaped hash oil in my favorite Brewery's beer garden, no one gave a $hit.


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