Author Topic: Analysts: U.S. Troops Should Fortify Islands Near China  (Read 233 times)

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May 30, 2019

Analysts: U.S. Troops Should Fortify Islands Near China

“The strategy of maritime pressure aims to persuade Chinese leaders that attempting military aggression in the Western Pacific will fail, thus discouraging them from trying it. The strategy gives the [People’s Liberation Army] a taste of its own A2/AD medicine, improving America’s prospects in both peace and war.”

by David Axe

China holds a major advantage over the United States in the great-power struggle for influence over the Pacific region.

It’s simple. China is closer than the United States is to the disputed territories of the China Seas.

“The U.S. military has a problem in the Western Pacific: the tyranny of distance and time,” analysts Thomas Mahnken, Travis Sharp, Billy Fabian and Peter Kouretsos, explain in their new study for the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in Washington, D.C.