Author Topic: MORE Fake News: Navy confirms MEDIA LIED about President Trump and the USS John McCain  (Read 132 times)

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MORE Fake News: Navy confirms MEDIA LIED about President Trump and the USS John McCain
By Pamela Geller - on May 30, 2019

Is Facebook going to flag the Wall Street Journal and all the other fake news outlets who reported this fictioal anti-Trump story?

    Navy confirms media lied about Trump and the USS John McCain

    By Milne News, May 30, 2019

    Ah, it never ends does it?

    So basically The Wall Street Journal has been banging on about some claim from somewhere that the White House per President Trump’s request wanted the USS John McCain “out of sight” for when the President made his visit.

    The WSJ also reported Wednesday that a tarp was put in place to cover the ship’s name.

    Then a few media outlets, “journalists” and your all round anti-Trumper circulated the image of the USS John McCain with a tarp covering the name of the ship.

    Is the claim true?

    Of course not, this is the mainstream media we are talking about.