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Soldier Who Refused to Carry a Weapon Saves the Lives of 75 Men–Presented With Medal of Honor


Soldier Who Refused to Carry a Weapon Saves the Lives of 75 Men–Presented With Medal of Honor
By Michael Wing
May 29, 2019 Updated: May 30, 2019

Real heroes are seldom like how they are portrayed in movies. They are less likely to bask in the spotlight; they are a supportive family member standing quietly in the background; they are the ones who have nothing and remain happy; they are the ones who sacrifice in silence for others’ sake.

World War II hero Desmond Doss was a soldier who refused to fight or even carry a weapon. Labeled a “conscientious objector,” Doss had enlisted during the draft in April of 1942, but he declined to bear arms. He nevertheless was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the battle at Hacksaw Ridge, in Okinawa, where he was credited for saving the lives of 75 men.

Hacksaw Ridge is a good movie.  Like other biopics, I'm sure it takes some license with the facts, however, the story of Doss comes through.  A real hero.

The one scene where the Battalion has yet to climb the ropes because they won't go until Doss is finished praying is truly moving, among others.


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