Author Topic: Tucker Carlson: The real reason Obama intel officials don't want you to know how they spied on Ameri  (Read 547 times)

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Tucker Carlson: The real reason Obama intel officials don't want you to know how they spied on Americans

By Tucker Carlson | Fox News

On Tuesday, the Washington Post, our hometown newspaper here in the nation's capital, published an op-ed by former FBI Director Jim Comey. In the piece, Comey explains that whatever surveillance the Obama Justice Department conducted on the 2016 Trump campaign was entirely justified and within bounds -- nothing weird about it at all.

Yes, American citizens were monitored electronically without their knowledge, but it wasn't spying. Of course, it wasn't "spying." It was "investigating." It was done for your own good. And if you don't like it, you're unpatriotic and possibly, mentally ill. That's Comey's position.

What the op-ed did not contain was any evidence at all that what he said is true. Comey is a bitter partisan with a long history of shading the truth. But he suggests you've got to trust him anyway. It's your duty to trust him.


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