Author Topic: NY Times Deletes Tweet After Liberals Complain Republican Quotes Weren’t Called ‘Lies’  (Read 207 times)

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 NY Times Deletes Tweet After Liberals Complain Republican Quotes Weren’t Called ‘Lies’
by Don Irvine on May 20, 2019

The New York Times deleted a tweet last week of one its articles published after liberals complained on Twitter that the headline didn’t label quotes from Republicans “lies,” even though the article used the terms “misinformation,” absurdity,” and even false.

The article was about the new restrictive abortion ban in Alabama and begins with the following paragraph:

    With grisly claims that Democrats promote “birthday abortions” and are “the party of death,” the Republican Party and its conservative allies have aggressively reset the terms of one of the country’s most divisive and emotionally fraught debates, forcing Democrats to reassess how they should respond to attacks and distortions that portray the entire party as extremist on abortion.