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Army denies soldier’s request to grow beard in observance of Flying Spaghetti Monster religion


Army denies soldier’s request to grow beard in observance of Flying Spaghetti Monster religion
By: J.D. Simkins  

Why are we here? What is our purpose? Why are U.S. service members not allowed to grow beards?

It is questions such as these, which tug at mankind’s innermost curiosities, that religions have endeavored to answer since the beginning of time.

For some of those faiths, proper observance necessitates the growth of facial hair.

The Army recognized this in 2017, acquiescing after years of beard-exemption requests and legal pressure from Sikh soldiers seeking to preserve religious traditions while wearing a U.S. uniform.

I think a little stay at the loony bin and some happy pills might be in order though. :silly:


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