Author Topic: Top Veteran Immigration Officer: Why Is Government Not Shutting Down the Flow at the Border?  (Read 1849 times)

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Online libertybele

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Fair question.  WHY??

Top Veteran Immigration Officer: Why Is Government Not Shutting Down the Flow at the Border?

..........“The laws are there, the rules are there, the people are there; they need to be allowed to do their jobs,” says Vara. He was one of the top officials dealing both with the Nicaraguan asylum influx in 1989 and the Hatians and Cubans in the 1990s. He believes there is no reason existing law can’t be marshalled the way it was then. It’s all politics, in his view.

What about the concerns of foreign terrorists, health, and espionage? Vara explains that, contrary to what the government is telling us, we are not properly vetting them out even at points of entry. ............
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline austingirl

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Because we don't have a wall and we won't shoot them? :shrug:
Principles matter. Words matter.

Online libertybele

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Because we don't have a wall and we won't shoot them? :shrug:

That too as well as corruption, drug money, and self-serving political motivation.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline austingirl

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That too as well as corruption, drug money, and self-serving political motivation.

I wonder how many of our multimillionaire "public servants" in Congress have enriched themselves via the cartels. They didn't get rich on their salaries.
Principles matter. Words matter.

Offline LegalAmerican

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I wonder how many of our multimillionaire "public servants" in Congress have enriched themselves via the cartels. They didn't get rich on their salaries.

......... :thumbsup:

Offline Sanguine

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He believes there is no reason existing law can’t be marshalled the way it was then. It’s all politics...

Offline LegalAmerican

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Fair question.  WHY??

Top Veteran Immigration Officer: Why Is Government Not Shutting Down the Flow at the Border?

..........“The laws are there, the rules are there, the people are there; they need to be allowed to do their jobs,” says Vara. He was one of the top officials dealing both with the Nicaraguan asylum influx in 1989 and the Hatians and Cubans in the 1990s. He believes there is no reason existing law can’t be marshalled the way it was then. It’s all politics, in his view.

What about the concerns of foreign terrorists, health, and espionage? Vara explains that, contrary to what the government is telling us, we are not properly vetting them out even at points of entry. ............

That isn't a rhetorical question?   Is he kidding?  WHERE HAVE YOU ALL BEEN?  The laws put in by JFK...then put into LAW IN 1965 by LBJ & Teddy Kennedy.  JFK..gave ILLEGALS WELFARE ..and thought our immigration QUOTA was "intolerable."
JFK.  wanted more people from Third world countries coming.  Africa, Asian, muslim countries. THE DEMON-RATS...won't change the laws or support president TRUMP.  Every rally, resident has talked about this. Then the CIRCUS 9TH CIRCUIT court blocks what president wants to do.  Then we have DIRTY DOZEN. RINO'S...voted AGAINST PRESIDENT ON NATIONAL EMERGENCY.  If his question is WHY ARE DEMON-RATS & RINO'S doing this..I can support his article.. but he is in ANY way trying to blame my president,  he is UNINFORMED & NUTS.  It is NOT a fair question.

he 12 Senate Republicans who voted AGAINST president TRUMPS..National Emergency

 Roger Wicker of Mississippi,

Marco Rubio of Florida,

 Rob Portman of Ohio,
 Susan Collins of Maine,
 Lisa Murkowski of Alaska,
Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania,
 Roy Blunt of Missouri,
 Lamar Alexander of Tennessee,

 Mitt Romney of Utah,

 Rand Paul of Kentucky,
Jerry Moran of Kansas
and Mike Lee of Utah.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 12:46:12 am by LegalAmerican »

Offline LegalAmerican

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Why don't people know?  Why is this even being ASKED?   

President is still fighting for us.

Trump Administration Plans Insurrection Act Move To Combat Illegal ‘Rebellion’
Just like Eisenhower had to use the National Guard to stop democrats in the late 50’s who fought desegregation, Donald Trump must act to stop the invasion of the United States fomented by liberals.
 by Georgette

The president plans, according to sources, to use the Insurrection Act to help stop the illegal invasion.

According to a number of senior administration officials, President Donald Trump is planning to utilize the executive powers he legally has to invoke the Insurrection Act, as a response to the border invasion.

The Daily Caller reported:
“We’re doing the Insurrection Act,” one official said.

Under the Insurrection Act of 1807, the president has the authority to use the National Guard and military in order to combat “unlawful obstruction or rebellion” within U.S. borders.
The act was last invoked in 1992 by George H.W. Bush to quell the Los Angeles riots, and was also used by Eisenhower in 1957 to enforce school desegregation in the south.
[Democrats tried to fight that too]

An official expressed concerns that Trump’s use of the act’s powers would face legal challenges, pointing to the lawsuits against the president’s travel ban from majority-Muslim countries. However, as the official noted, the travel ban ultimately prevailed in the Supreme Court.
In addition to the Insurrection Act, the president is also considering declaring the country full and insisting that the U.S. can no longer handle the massive influx of illegal immigrants.

2019 is currently on pace to reach the highest levels of illegal immigration in a decade.
“If you take a ship and it holds 1,000 people maximum — one more person and the ship is going to collapse,” the official explained. “The country is full.”

“Our hospitals are full, our detention centers are full,” they added.
ICE facilities were forced to release 100,000 illegal immigrants in the first three months of 2019 because of overcrowding in detention centers.

Separately, the president unveiled a new immigration plan Thursday that focuses on border security and merit-based legal immigration.

The plan, which was co-authored by top aides Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller, would increase the proportion of visas granted to highly-skilled immigrants and also establish a self-sustaining border security fund.
Many people think the move is excellent. The United States is facing a real invasion crisis, and the powers of the President are designed to thwart that sort of problem.

The fact that democrats fight this indicates that the move is both logical and will be effective
Deep State Official Tells China: ‘Just Wait Until Trump Is Removed’

Trump Administration Plans Insurrection Act Move To Combat Illegal ‘Rebellion’

Offline LegalAmerican

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There is no QUESTION....deep state =DEMON=RATS. & RINO'S.   

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

Offline LegalAmerican

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Old laws that president TRUMP wants changed and demon-rats and RINO'S won't vote for them.  Like; REMOVE ALL WELFARE FOR ILLEGALS.  NO MORE PERKS OF ANY KIND.  Drivers license...but no need to get car insurance!  We have to do that. 


8 YEARS OF OPEN BORDERS WITH OBAMA. 9TH CIRCUIT COURT...blocking president TEMP shut down from islamists coming in.  till properly vetted.   Same countries obama used.  NATIONAL EMERGENCY BLOCKED BY DIRTY DOZEN...RINO'S.

LA RAZA..attorneys, islamist attorney's...blocking president TRUMP.  Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, stopping president TRUMP.  Cory Booker...KAMALA HARRIS.  Joe Biden.   OBAMA & Hillary still behind the scenes working against president TRUMP.  Hoax Russian dozzier.  MITT ROMNEY bad mouthing my president.  And on, & on, & on......

What was the question? 

Offline LegalAmerican

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He is so out of touch with what is going on.
Why don't people know?  Why is this even being ASKED?   
President is still fighting for us.

Trump Administration Plans Insurrection Act Move To Combat Illegal ‘Rebellion’
Just like Eisenhower had to use the National Guard to stop democrats in the late 50’s who fought desegregation, Donald Trump must act to stop the invasion of the United States fomented by liberals.
 by Georgette

The president plans, according to sources, to use the Insurrection Act to help stop the illegal invasion.

According to a number of senior administration officials, President Donald Trump is planning to utilize the executive powers he legally has to invoke the Insurrection Act, as a response to the border invasion.

Offline DCPatriot

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I wonder how many of our multimillionaire "public servants" in Congress have enriched themselves via the cartels. They didn't get rich on their salaries.

Just caught the ass-end of an conversation Tucker Carlson was having in an interview with Dr. Ben Carson.

Dr. Carson, current Secretary of Housing and Development maintains that America's poor and homeless should get federal priority, rather than those pouring across our borders.


America is the Land of Opportunity.  Literally.  You get off your ass and work and by miracle, you earn money to afford your life to proceed with dignity.

Personally, I'd hire a man or woman who traveled hitched a train ride and took risks in a desert, getting here...than somebody who is sleeping outside on the city streets, blocks away from the job.

"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline LegalAmerican

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Just caught the ass-end of an conversation Tucker Carlson was having in an interview with Dr. Ben Carson.

Dr. Carson, current Secretary of Housing and Development maintains that America's poor and homeless should get federal priority, rather than those pouring across our borders.


America is the Land of Opportunity.  Literally.  You get off your ass and work and by miracle, you earn money to afford your life to proceed with dignity.

Personally, I'd hire a man or woman who traveled hitched a train ride and took risks in a desert, getting here...than somebody who is sleeping outside on the city streets, blocks away from the job.

Ben Carson is an enabler of black ghetto.

Offline Sanguine

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Ben Carson is an enabler of black ghetto.

What the hell are you babbling about?

Offline Sanguine

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Just caught the ass-end of an conversation Tucker Carlson was having in an interview with Dr. Ben Carson.

Dr. Carson, current Secretary of Housing and Development maintains that America's poor and homeless should get federal priority, rather than those pouring across our borders.


America is the Land of Opportunity.  Literally.  You get off your ass and work and by miracle, you earn money to afford your life to proceed with dignity.

Personally, I'd hire a man or woman who traveled hitched a train ride and took risks in a desert, getting here...than somebody who is sleeping outside on the city streets, blocks away from the job.

That ain't right, @DCP.

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My president keeps having his precious time taken up with this ANTI-AMERICAN attack. Russia is hoax..proven. Now they go ager his harass him & take up time.  JUDGE IS BIDEN & OBAMA DONOR. (Amit P. Mehta, NAME=MUSLIM? )
That Judge Who Said Trump Must Surrender His Tax Returns Has An Interesting Donor History

 Matt Vespa Matt Vespa | @mvespa1 |Posted: May 21, 2019 1:30 PM  Share    Tweet

That Judge Who Said Trump Must Surrender His Tax Returns Has An Interesting Donor History
Source: AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Okay, so we all know the hammer the judiciary dropped on the Trump administration last night, right? A federal judge sided with House Democrats over their subpoenas over President Trump’s tax returns. Democrats want six years worth of returns, including those from the president’s businesses. The subpoenas targeted an accounting firm and to no one’s surprise this Obama-appointed judge sided with Democrats (via NYT):

President Trump’s accounting firm must turn over his financial records to Congress, a Federal District Court judge ruled on Monday, rejecting his legal team’s argument that lawmakers had no legitimate power to subpoena the files.
But Mr. Trump vowed that his legal team would appeal rather than permit the firm, Mazars USA, to comply with the subpoena and the ruling, so the legal fight is far from over.
The ruling by the judge, Amit P. Mehta of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, was an early judicial test of the president’s vow to systematically stonewall “all” subpoenas by House Democrats, stymieing their ability to perform oversight of Mr. Trump and the executive branch after winning control of the chamber in last year’s midterm elections.
Mr. Trump’s legal team, led by William S. Consovoy, had argued that the House Committee on Oversight and Reform had no legitimate legislative purpose in seeking Mr. Trump’s financial records and was just trying to dig up dirt — like finding out whether the president broke any laws — for political reasons, so the subpoena exceeded its constitutional authority.

Andrew Surabian
 Oh look, the Federal Judge who just ruled that President Trump must turn over his financial records to Congressional Dems, also just so happens to be an Obama-Biden donor. I'm sure one has nothing to do with the other though. Nothing to see here folks! …

Andrew Surabian
Replying to @Surabees
Sure is interesting how the media has thus far missed this factoid, isn't it? Now lets play a game & imagine that the same Judge was a Trump donor & ruled in his favor here...Something tells me this would be all over CNN tonight & the talking heads would be screaming, corruption!

Oh, and did we forget that Judge Mehta was an Obama donor as well. It’s time to play everyone’s favorite game, folks: ‘If this were a Republican donor, the media would’…certainly, cover it like some corrupt bargain. But alas, that’s not how things operate in the Democrat-media complex, where two sets of rules govern America’s two dominant political philosophies. Once gets pilloried for stupid crap, while the other can be corrupt, commit crimes, lie, cheat, steal, and totally get away with it—it must be nice to be a Democrat.

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Here we go again.  OBAMA-BIDEN donor Judge...who looks Arab...does this. More time taken up with baloney instead of working for country.

Offline Chosen Daughter

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I wonder how many of our multimillionaire "public servants" in Congress have enriched themselves via the cartels. They didn't get rich on their salaries.

Its a question, but I think its very probable.  How can we expect that our government would not be affected by the same corruption that is happening in Mexico?  Its right across the border.  And Cartel is operating in almost every major US city.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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America is the Land of Opportunity.  Literally.  You get off your ass and work and by miracle, you earn money to afford your life to proceed with dignity.

Personally, I'd hire a man or woman who traveled hitched a train ride and took risks in a desert, getting here...than somebody who is sleeping outside on the city streets, blocks away from the job.

You lucked out in what ... the 70's? @DCPatriot with those you met who traveled hitched to a train and took risks getting here.

This isn't your real estate enclave we're talking about today.  Today those hitched to a train are coming for "asylum" and even steal kids to help their cases.  They're not coming to put down hardwood floors, they're coming to rape our welfare system.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 01:58:59 am by Right_in_Virginia »

Offline Chosen Daughter

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That isn't a rhetorical question?   Is he kidding?  WHERE HAVE YOU ALL BEEN?  The laws put in by JFK...then put into LAW IN 1965 by LBJ & Teddy Kennedy.  JFK..gave ILLEGALS WELFARE ..and thought our immigration QUOTA was "intolerable."
JFK.  wanted more people from Third world countries coming.  Africa, Asian, muslim countries. THE DEMON-RATS...won't change the laws or support president TRUMP.  Every rally, resident has talked about this. Then the CIRCUS 9TH CIRCUIT court blocks what president wants to do.  Then we have DIRTY DOZEN. RINO'S...voted AGAINST PRESIDENT ON NATIONAL EMERGENCY.  If his question is WHY ARE DEMON-RATS & RINO'S doing this..I can support his article.. but he is in ANY way trying to blame my president,  he is UNINFORMED & NUTS.  It is NOT a fair question.

he 12 Senate Republicans who voted AGAINST president TRUMPS..National Emergency

 Roger Wicker of Mississippi,

Marco Rubio of Florida,

 Rob Portman of Ohio,
 Susan Collins of Maine,
 Lisa Murkowski of Alaska,
Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania,
 Roy Blunt of Missouri,
 Lamar Alexander of Tennessee,

 Mitt Romney of Utah,

 Rand Paul of Kentucky,
Jerry Moran of Kansas
and Mike Lee of Utah.

If we stopped all the welfare and free healthcare when they walk into a facility they would stop coming.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

Offline DCPatriot

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You lucked out in what ... the 70's? @DCPatriot with those you met who traveled hitched to a train and took risks getting here.

This isn't your real estate enclave we're talking about today.  Today those hitched to a train are coming for "asylum" and even steal kids to help their cases.  They're not coming to put down hardwood floors, they're coming to rape our welfare system.

I normally have the same feelings, @Right_in_Virginia

But, my county, which borders D.C. has been transformed in the past 30 years.  Accelerated the past 10.

During my walks, when I see immigrant mothers in colorful mismatched clothing walking around lake path with their toddlers, I immediately  think...that those children are no different than my parents...except for the legality.

The lake has a 1.25 mile circumference.  Normal pace walk and you'll nod with a smile to more than a dozen.

They look you in the eye and sincerely smile.  The fathers and sons are fishing the lake. 

Good neighbors.   Except their food is too spicy.

This doesn't mean I don't want a wall a gazillion feet high.  I do.

All I'm saying...your heart would soften if you were able to experience it.  They ran the gauntlet.  They're paying rent.  Their kids are in local schools.

They're not spawn of inner-city poor that grew up never having a life or a father.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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I normally have the same feelings, @Right_in_Virginia

But, my county, which borders D.C. has been transformed in the past 30 years.  Accelerated the past 10.

During my walks, when I see immigrant mothers in colorful mismatched clothing walking around lake path with their toddlers, I immediately  think...that those children are no different than my parents...except for the legality.

The lake has a 1.25 mile circumference.  Normal pace walk and you'll nod with a smile to more than a dozen.

They look you in the eye and sincerely smile.  The fathers and sons are fishing the lake. 

Good neighbors.   Except their food is too spicy.

This doesn't mean I don't want a wall a gazillion feet high.  I do.

All I'm saying...your heart would soften if you were able to experience it.  They ran the gauntlet.  They're paying rent.  Their kids are in local schools.

They're not spawn of inner-city poor that grew up never having a life or a father. 

What makes you think I've not experienced what you're talking about @DCPatriot 

But this does not mean I'll turn a blind eye to the invasion .... and it is an invasion ... happening now.  Legal counts, DC.  In today's world more than ever.  We've the right to know who's entering and to decide if they should stay.

I'll not surrender our sovereignty because the handful you and I know smile and pay rent.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 02:37:39 am by Right_in_Virginia »

Offline DCPatriot

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What makes you think I've not experienced what you're talking about @DCPatriot 

But this does not mean I'll turn a blind eye to the invasion .... and it is an invasion ... happening now.  Legal counts, DC.  In today's world more than ever.  We've the right to know who's entering and to decide if they should stay.

I'll not surrender our sovereignty because the handful you and I know smile and pay rent.

Nobody is saying they are condoning the invasion.  And it's an invasion.   BUILD THE WALL!

Laws are not being enforced.  It has morphed into a humanitarian event.  Planned as it was.

The problem here is that we border Washington, DC.

Montgomery County has always been a TOP 10 per capita county nationally.

If the assistance for more taxpayers is limited to one generation, it's an investment by the government.

No different than my Sicilian grandmother watering her tomatoes.   :laugh:
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline LegalAmerican

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You lucked out in what ... the 70's? @DCPatriot with those you met who traveled hitched to a train and took risks getting here.

This isn't your real estate enclave we're talking about today.  Today those hitched to a train are coming for "asylum" and even steal kids to help their cases.  They're not coming to put down hardwood floors, they're coming to rape our welfare system.

We are getting drug cartel, murderers,  HUMAN sex traffickers..MS-13...and islamists.  ALL RAPIST.  In every sense of the word. 


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What makes you think I've not experienced what you're talking about @DCPatriot 

But this does not mean I'll turn a blind eye to the invasion .... and it is an invasion ... happening now.  Legal counts, DC.  In today's world more than ever.  We've the right to know who's entering and to decide if they should stay.

I'll not surrender our sovereignty because the handful you and I know smile and pay rent.

I agree.  People need to stop thinking these ARE PEACEFUL PEOPLE...they aren't!  Criminals.  Hard core killers.  He is romanticizing, things. I am LEGAL IMMIGRANT.  We used to leave our houses unlocked.  Keys in car ignition..while parked in driveway. Mailbox on house. No one bothered anything.  Now, doors are kicked in.  Mailboxes in concrete, dragged off with chains at bottom with truck. A/C stripped of copper!  Cars hot wired.   RAPES. Kidnap ransoms, Sex slaves.  MORE.  Not your grandma's  America anymore. 
