Author Topic: Muslim Jew-Hatred: The Dishonest Takiya of Qanta Ahmed and Mohamed Z. Jasser Vs. Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s  (Read 209 times)

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Muslim Jew-Hatred: The Dishonest Takiya of Qanta Ahmed and Mohamed Z. Jasser Vs. Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Honest Mea Culpa
By Dr. Andrew Bostom - on May 11, 2019
Advancing Islamic Lies

The unique, global pandemic of Muslim Jew-hatred will only begin to ebb, if at all, with honest reform of Islam’s vast, ugly corpus of canonical Jew-hatred—from the Koran, and the traditions—as currently still promulgated, in all its virulence, by Islamdom’s most prestigious religious teaching institutions.
Unfortunately, Fox News’ go to so-called “reformist” Muslims, Qanta Ahmed and Mohamed Z. Jasser, completely deny this facts-on-the ground reality, while monotonously spewing apologetics that whitewash its major cause: Islam’s viscerally Jew-hating theology.  In the wake of the Philadelphia Islamic Center video imbroglio—whose Islamic teaching roots I analyzed extensively—here are two recent examples of the dishonest misrepresentations Ahmed and Jasser repeatedly put forth, unchallenged, to Fox News’ enormous viewing audiences: