Author Topic: Rashida Tlaib Caught Blatantly Lying – Arab Palestinians and Hitler Worked Hand in Hand!  (Read 247 times)

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Rashida Tlaib Caught Blatantly Lying – Arab Palestinians and Hitler Worked Hand in Hand!
Avi Abelow -
May 13, 2019 5322

Past NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind posted the following truth bomb on his facebook page: Antisemites like Congresswoman Rashida Tlaibhave a long track record of distorting Jewish history just as the Nazis did – but only Rashida lies, gets called out, and then blames her critics for her lies! I’m glad we all saw right through her, but she’s still in Congress!
Haj Amin al-Husseini and the Nazis

The following 1943 message from Heinrich Himmler, the father of the Nazi final solution for exterminating the Jews, to the Mufti leader of the Arabs in British Mandate Palestine was written in a telegram found in the national library archives.