Author Topic: Buttigieg takes shot at social conservatives, describes coming out during Vegas LGBTQ gala  (Read 7636 times)

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Buttigieg takes shot at social conservatives, describes coming out during Vegas LGBTQ gala
Fox News, May 12, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg took a shot at social conservatives Saturday in Las Vegas as he described the exclusion he experienced after publically coming out as a gay man.

The South Bend, Ind., mayor also spoke of the need to overcome divisions during a swing stop at a gala for an LGBTQ civil rights group. He said that LGBTQ people, women, immigrants, people of color and with disabilities and workers are experiencing a “crisis of belonging in this country.”

"What every gay person has in common with every excluded person of any kind is knowing what it's like to see a wall between you and the rest of the world and wonder what it's like on the other side," Buttigieg said during his keynote address for the Human Rights Campaign at Caesar’s Palace.

Buttigieg, 37, a former Navy intelligence officer, described coming out while mayor and preparing to deploy to Afghanistan.

"I was seized with the awareness that I could be killed in action at the age of 33, a grown man and an elected official, with no idea what it was like to be in love," he said. "I knew that I had to be who I am."

Buttigieg also took aim at the rhetoric of social conservatives.

"We have allowed conservatives to monopolize the language of freedom," he said. "But we know that freedom isn't just about freedom from, it's about freedom to. Not just freedom from regulation, but freedom to live a life of your choosing."


Offline Applewood

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This guy has become really dull very quickly. 

Online libertybele

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Excluded people?? Gee ... I don't know as a WHITE, FEMALE, CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE,  Mr. Butt, I feel excluded!!!   :patriot:
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Offline goatprairie

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 "Not just freedom from regulation, but freedom to live a life of your choosing."

I wonder how Bootyjunk feels about telling private businesses what they have to make or bake?

Online Wingnut

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This guy has become really dull very quickly.

He seems to be a one trick pony trying to ride his gayness all the way to the White House.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

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He seems to be a one trick pony trying to ride his gayness all the way to the White House.

Exactly.  He's a one issue candidate appealing to one small group of noisy malcontents and whining about the same phony *bleep* they cry about with nothing really to offer them except patting them on their heads and saying, "I know how you feel."  he has less than nothing to offer the rest of us.

When is Pete going to talk about real issues -- the economy, the invasion of illegals and alleged "refugees," our messed up health care system, foreign relations, etc. etc.?   As a good Democrat, I'm reasonably sure he has taken up the official socialist/commie position on other issues.  But if this guy wants to be elected, he is going to have to talk about these issues with the rest of the voters.  Otherwise, the only votes he will get will be from perverts like himself.  Not enough to win the White House. 

Offline austingirl

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"What every gay person has in common with every excluded person of any kind is knowing what it's like to see a wall between you and the rest of the world and wonder what it's like on the other side," Buttigieg said during his keynote address for the Human Rights Campaign at Caesar’s Palace."

Well, Buttdigger, you professional victim, you, the only people who are excluded in this country are white heterosexual Christians, particularly men.

Principles matter. Words matter.

Offline skeeter

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"What every gay person has in common with every excluded person of any kind is knowing what it's like to see a wall between you and the rest of the world and wonder what it's like on the other side," Buttigieg said during his keynote address for the Human Rights Campaign at Caesar’s Palace."

Is Google de-platforming & de-monetizing gays now?

Online andy58-in-nh

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"What every gay person has in common with every excluded person of any kind is knowing what it's like to see a wall between you and the rest of the world and wonder what it's like on the other side," Buttigieg said during his keynote address for the Human Rights Campaign at Caesar’s Palace."

Well, Buttdigger, you professional victim, you, the only people who are excluded in this country are white heterosexual Christians, particularly men.

He appears to be seeking the endorsement of the Professional Crybully Association.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Online Wingnut

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The Rat POTUS hopefuls all seem to be running on a grievance of one sort or another.  Not a single one has a positive message to give the american voter.   
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

Offline austingirl

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The Rat POTUS hopefuls all seem to be running on a grievance of one sort or another.  Not a single one has a positive message to give the american voter.

Not a single one has any accomplishments either.
Principles matter. Words matter.

Offline Applewood

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The Rat POTUS hopefuls all seem to be running on a grievance of one sort or another.  Not a single one has a positive message to give the american voter.

They don't really have ANY message other than


Sheesh!  I am so tired of people complaining constantly about something that really doesn't exist today.  Look at all these gays, for instance, whining that they are discriminated against.   Where is this discrimination? These days most people don't really give a *bleep* what other people do in private.  As far as I know, you can get a chicken sandwich at Chick-Fil-A and the guy or gal behind the counter is not goin to ask you first if you are gay.  It's not a question asked of job applicants and I believe a landlord cannot by law deny a gay person an apartment.   We are bombarded with gay characters and gay themes in our entertainment.  So what's the problem? 

There really isn't any.  But these people crave attention, so they have to invent some imaginary slight -- and carry on about it constantly --, so people will pay attention.  Sorry, but I really don't care anymore.  And I believe Pete is going to find out no one other than perverts like him care either.

Online andy58-in-nh

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They don't really have ANY message other than


Sheesh!  I am so tired of people complaining constantly about something that really doesn't exist today.  Look at all these gays, for instance, whining that they are discriminated against.   Where is this discrimination? These days most people don't really give a *bleep* what other people do in private.  As far as I know, you can get a chicken sandwich at Chick-Fil-A and the guy or gal behind the counter is not goin to ask you first if you are gay.  It's not a question asked of job applicants and I believe a landlord cannot by law deny a gay person an apartment.   We are bombarded with gay characters and gay themes in our entertainment.  So what's the problem? 

There really isn't any.  But these people crave attention, so they have to invent some imaginary slight -- and carry on about it constantly --, so people will pay attention.  Sorry, but I really don't care anymore.  And I believe Pete is going to find out no one other than perverts like him care either.

Professional victimhood is not about attention - it is about political, social and economic power.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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I honestly do not care one bit about gay people, as long as they leave me out of it.
Cannot believe how much press 'his gayness' is getting. It's weird.

Hillary's campaign was all about her vagina. This guy's campaign is all about him being into dudes.
Hard to believe how many supposedly 'serious people' consider this to be a qualification for President, or anything else for that matter. All of these "it's my turn" candidates is growing very tiresome.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

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I just love people like Buttgigger who cry about being excluded as they force their deviant lifestyle on a majority public who doesn't want anything to do with it.
The Republic is lost.

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The gay population is estimated to be appx. 4.5%  So, he'll probably capture those votes and then there are some that will vote for him to be politically correct.  So ... he may get 10% of the vote.  I'd say Mr(s). Butt won't be the DEM nominee.

I wonder, how does "it" identify?  Male, female or other?
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline jmyrlefuller

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"I was seized with the awareness that I could be killed in action at the age of 33, a grown man and an elected official, with no idea what it was like to be in love," he said.

That must be such a travesty. /sarc
« Last Edit: May 12, 2019, 04:55:51 pm by jmyrlefuller »
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Excluded people?? Gee ... I don't know as a WHITE, FEMALE, CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE,  Mr. Butt, I feel excluded!!!   :patriot:
I'm tired of all these squeaky wheels, especially when they blame the noise on all the other bearings out there. The noise is way out of proportion to the other moving parts of society. They want to make you think the whole engine is at fault and coming apart for a bad idler pulley bearing.
If people want to be a functioning part of society, basically all they have to do is roll up their sleeves and get in there. Work, interact with people as people, not some as arbitrary or superficial label.
In the workplace, I really don't care what people do on their off time, as long as they do what they are supposed to in their 'on' time.
In my off time I'll associate with the people who generally agree with me, philosophically, and that generally excludes people who conspicuously parade their differences from the mainstream and then whine incessantly about how they are 'excluded'.

I really weary of those who use those differences to attack the very society which has allowed them to even speak up, but even more so, am tired of those who seek to exclude the very people who 'built that'.  No, I don't think that the proportion in existence or importance comes anywhere close to the amount of noise, and ever keep in mind that those who generally regulate perceptions in this society (the media) are relatively packed with people who have a deeply vested interest in maintaining the impression that the whole shtick is more common and popular than it really is, and whose perceptions of the world are affected by the relatively small social circles they inhabit.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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the "Opression Olympics."

"Marginalized people."

About the only people not on the ladder, are those of us in the "White Patriarchy of the Priviledged."

I think the Russians, Chinese and muslims have poisoned our water.

"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

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The Left—and I include liberals here—always fall for his urban type of persona, even if that individual lacked any substance. They don’t care as long as he checks the right liberal boxes and his demeanor is sufficiently sanctimonious.

All Buttigieg has going for him is a superficial charm, but behind that is a thin resume—to which he can now add that he had the temerity to run for President at 37, after failing as mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

And they think this guy can take Trump out? It is to laugh.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2019, 08:51:41 pm by aligncare »

Online Wingnut

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the "Opression Olympics."

I think the Russians, Chinese and muslims have poisoned our water.

It was thru Fluoridation.  Both the Germans and the Russians added sodium fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

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That must be such a travesty. /sarc

The guy was naval intelligence deployed behind a desk in a—no pun intended—rear station of land locked Afghanistan. I doubt he ever saw a lick of live fire directed at him behind that desk.

Offline LegalAmerican

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The Left—and I include liberals here—always fall for his urban type of persona, even if that individual lacked any substance. They don’t care as long as he checks the right liberal boxes and his demeanor is sufficiently sanctimonious.

All Buttigieg has going for him is a superficial charm, but behind that is a thin resume—to which he can now add that he had the temerity to run for President at 37, after failing as mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

And they think this guy can take Trump out? It is to laugh.

Hi!  The real Democrat candidate is JOHN HICKENLOOPER....backed by Bilderberg = DEEP STATE. 

All these others are to keep us off balance.  IT IS JOHN.  I HOPE, HOPE I AM WRONG.  But he is using all of president TRUMPS plans and adding...FREE SCHOOL...FREE THAT.....the ignorant will fall for that...again.  Mention FREE...ANYTHING...and most people clamor for it, not realizing it is a LIE.  ONE BORN EVERY MINUTE.

Online Wingnut

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The guy was naval intelligence deployed behind a desk in a—no pun intended—rear station of land locked Afghanistan. I doubt he ever saw a lick of live fire directed at him behind that desk.

I thought as much.  His only chance of a purple heart was if he was fragged.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

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SOCIALIST.....MORE 'FREE' STUFF and we know the USEFUL IDIOT'S will fall for it.  Who will pay teachers?  Maintenance? Books?  Where will the money come from?    VENEZUELA  coming up.  Reduce student loans?  who pays?  Again, HALF are president TRUMPS plans, except for the FREE PARTS.

How John Hickenlooper would address the economy


Hickenlooper proposes raising the minimum wage to at least $15 an hour. He also wants to tackle college affordability by cutting the federal interest rate on all student loans to 2.5 percent.

Additionally, he pledges to make community college free and “launch the biggest expansion of apprenticeships and training in American history.”

« Last Edit: May 12, 2019, 10:46:09 pm by LegalAmerican »