Author Topic: Judgment Day coming for Democrats  (Read 204 times)

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Judgment Day coming for Democrats
« on: May 08, 2019, 11:26:19 am »
May 7, 2019
Judgment Day coming for Democrats
By Lloyd Marcus

Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono verbally brutalized A.G. William Barr during the Judiciary Committee hearing.  Hirono's abuse of Barr and disrespect for our president were condescending and breathtakingly evil.  Her demand that Barr resign was rooted in spin and lies.  She venomously denounced president Trump as a "grifter and liar."

Can you imagine the American Left's response to a Republican calling Obama a grifter and liar?  That Republican would be declared a racist then given a high-tech beating and stoning to death in the public square.  All standards of decency have been thrown out the window in the leftists' mission to stop Trump from restoring America's greatness and to remove him from office.  Vitriolic disrespect for Trump and his family, even death threats, are acceptable.

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