Author Topic: US Sovereignty and the UN's Pathetic Agenda 2030  (Read 215 times)

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US Sovereignty and the UN's Pathetic Agenda 2030
« on: April 30, 2019, 10:45:13 am »
April 30, 2019
US Sovereignty and the UN's Pathetic Agenda 2030
By E. Jeffrey Ludwig

The UN has morphed from being an organization for greater world cooperation to a body strategizing for world governance. And shockingly, too many Americans are unwittingly embracing those strategies. There is a fifth column in our country that is committed to subverting our sovereignty.  However, President Donald Trump came out foursquare in defense of American sovereignty when he withdrew from the Paris Climate Accords. His announcement of that withdrawal was made in the Rose Garden almost two years ago.

Although President Ronald Reagan's comments often expressed love for and pride in America, the word "sovereignty" did not leap off his speech notes. Then, in post-Reagan years, conservatives were labeled American exceptionalists.  But going to the term sovereignty is more palatable and more accurate than exceptionalism.  Sovereignty draws attention more to the distinct right of a people to write its own laws, define and defend its borders, and to maintain its traditions without outside interference.  Exceptionalism suggests a superiority that some people (not this writer) find offensive.  Sovereignty draws our minds back to the aftermath of WWI when Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations was rejected because the League was seen as an actual and potential infringement on American sovereignty. Whether we are exceptional or not (and I believe we are), our political sovereignty is a jewel that must not be diluted by global initiatives.

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