Author Topic: Hillary Clinton urges Democrats to hold Watergate-style television hearings  (Read 390 times)

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CNN News
    11:08 pm
    April 24, 2019

President Trump says SO much, every day, that people sometimes suffer from Trump overload. Others choose their words more carefully, in the hopes that they’ll have more impact — and I think that’s what Hillary Clinton did on Thursday. She wrote a rare-for-her op-ed for the Washington Post about the Mueller report, saying it “documents a serious crime against the American people.” Hours later, it’s the most-read thing on the Post’s website.

Clinton said the 2016 election was “corrupted” by Russia — an assault “bigger than politics” — and “what our country needs now is clear-eyed patriotism, not reflexive partisanship.” Citing Watergate as a precedent, she said “televised hearings added to the factual record and, crucially, helped the public understand the facts in a way that no dense legal report could. Similar hearings with Mueller, former White House counsel Donald McGahn and other key witnesses could do the same today.”

Former Nixon W.H. counsel John Dean, on “AC360,” said “I do agree with her. You have to educate the public. That’s what happened during Watergate. That’s what she’s suggesting should happen again. And that’s the only way to really, politically, move forward — is to have an informed electorate. They are not today.”
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Offline thackney

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CCiting Watergate as a precedent, she said “televised hearings added to the factual record and, crucially, helped the public understand the facts in a way that no dense legal report could. Similar hearings with Mueller, former White House counsel Donald McGahn and other key witnesses could do the same today.”

Great example: spying on the opposition political party during an election.

She is right, we do need to look deeper into that.
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Online rustynail

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Be ironic if She ended up under the lights.

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Be ironic if She ended up under the lights.

Even more ironic if the Press doesn't bury it about 10-feet deep.
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Offline skeeter

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This surpasses chutzpah.

If there is ANY justice left in this rapidly decaying country this disgusting piece of crap will end up holding court in some women's prison mess.

Offline andy58-in-nh

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I can't think of a better way to help Donald Trump than by the Democrats going down the Torquemada inquisition trail.
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Offline Jazzhead

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Even more ironic if the Press doesn't bury it about 10-feet deep.

Well, that's the beauty of televised hearings - it allows the public to hear the testimony unfiltered by the dishonest press-with-an-agenda.   

But Mueller's work is done, his charge fulfilled.   Televised hearings should focus on what Mueller didn't address - such as how the FBI was able to spy on the opposition party's Presidential campaign on the basis of "evidence"  it knew from the start was ginned up and phony. 

Hillary, raise your right paw and take the effin' stand.   
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Online libertybele

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This surpasses chutzpah.

If there is ANY justice left in this rapidly decaying country this disgusting piece of crap will end up holding court in some women's prison mess.

Unfortunately, don't count on it.  She has NEVER been held responsible for anything nor will she ever admit responsibility.  After all, what difference does it make??
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