Author Topic: Nothing Has Changed: 49 Years Ago, CBS Pushed Message to ‘Act or Die’ on Earth Day  (Read 163 times)

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Nothing Has Changed: 49 Years Ago, CBS Pushed Message to ‘Act or Die’ on Earth Day
By C. Douglas Golden
Published April 23, 2019 at 10:17am

Earth Day was on Monday, which was good because there’s no day of the week that quite suits Earth Day like a Monday. It’s like all of the existential dread you feel getting out of bed at 6 a.m. in the morning, except people keep on talking to you about the dread and it isn’t just existential, it’s happening to the planet, and if we don’t do something now — as in right this very minute why are you wasting time you climate denier? — we’re all going to kick it.

To properly grok the general atmosphere of your average Earth Day, take this dire quote from 15-year-old Saheedah Majolagbe, which was retweeted by New York Mayor Bill de Blasio to mark the occasion: “Every day we don’t take action is a day stolen from us.”

“We can’t let her generation down,” de Blasio warned.