Author Topic: Abortion survivor missing limbs has ‘to live with someone else’s choice’  (Read 1271 times)

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Offline TomSea

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Abortion survivor missing limbs has ‘to live with someone else’s choice’
By Nancy Flanders | April 17, 2019 , 12:03pm

Nik Hoot first made headlines in 2013 as a high school wrestler who was missing parts of his legs and fingers. He lost them when an abortionist failed to kill him, but still managed to rip off parts of his body.

Born in Russia, Hoot was immediately placed for adoption and a year later was adopted by an American couple, Martin and Apryl Hoot. He immediately took to his prosthetic legs, ditching his walker and learning to run within two weeks, according to his mother. As a boy, Nik loved sports, playing baseball, basketball, football, and wrestling. He had his obvious challenges, but never let those hold him back.

“It’s self-discipline. There’s so much you don’t want to do like all the hard work and conditioning. It’s just part of life,” Hoot said in an interview with News Channel 15. “You’re gonna hit a lot of barriers in life but you really have to just get over them.”

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I know I saw a story before on some high school wrestler who did not have all of his limbs.  That was some time ago. This is a pretty amazing story, he survived one of those "dismembermen" abortions.  It's hard to fathom this even being possible to happen though, of course, I believe this.

Sometimes, I know, a lot of folks, me included can think, "woe is me" about things that happen in life.. then one sees a story like this.

BTW, the abortion in this case, occurred in Russia but that's besides the point, we have these kinds of abortions in the US.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2019, 04:35:52 pm by TomSea »