Author Topic: Allen West: Rep. Ilhan Omar’s 9/11 Comments Should Offend All Americans  (Read 187 times)

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Allen West: Rep. Ilhan Omar’s 9/11 Comments Should Offend All Americans

Dec. 7, 1941 and Sept. 11, 2001 – those two highly recognizable dates have an essential meaning for us as Americans. And those dates have a special meaning in the West Family.

I remember my Dad telling me about listening to the radio as a young man of 21 to the reports of the Japanese Imperial Navy attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet base at Pearl Harbor. He, along with the entire nation, was alarmed, disturbed and angry. The global conflagration that would come to be known as World War II had been going on for two years. Dad told me that our nation was completely engaged, hearing of the Nazi German advances since 1939 and the conquests of the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan in Asia.

Of course, as a young black man, Dad was aware of the racism of Adolf Hitler as he had refused to recognize the athletic triumphs of Jesse Owens during the 1936 Munich Olympics. And as things would come to pass, my Dad ended up being a soldier in our U.S. Army, and deployed to North Africa, the European theater of operations in WWII. Initially we suffered a horrendous defeat by the German Afrika Corps under the venerable Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. However, we ended up finding success in North Africa, and moved on to Sicily, and subsequently mainland Italy. It was there in central Italy, the Po Valley, that my Dad was wounded while running logistics dispatches.

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