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Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« on: April 15, 2019, 11:20:41 pm »
Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
by Zachary Halaschak
 | April 15, 2019 04:57 PM

Former Massachusetts Gov. William “Bill” Weld announced Monday he is running against President Trump for the Republican nomination for president.

Weld revealed that he formed a presidential exploratory committee back in February, but Monday’s announcement makes his intra-party challenge official.

“In these times of great political strife, when both major parties are entrenched in their ‘win at all cost’ battles, the voices of the American people are being ignored and our nation is suffering,” Weld said in a statement provided to the Washington Examiner. “It is time to return to the principles of Lincoln – equality, dignity, and opportunity for all."

He added: "There is no greater cause on earth than to preserve what truly makes America great."

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2019, 12:04:28 am »
“It is time to return to the principles of Lincoln – equality, dignity, and opportunity for all."  That's a message that resonates with me.

The dynamics of a primary challenger could be quite a spectacle not just for republicans but rats too.  The threat of a primary against Trump will embolden the wackyiest of rats to jump in.  Could be double digit rat candidates soon.

I think a majority of republicans would welcome a candidate that was close on policy but without the scary psychological flaws and incomprehensible and juvenile tweets.  Weld would be smart to emulate President Trump's positions on taxes, border enforcement, judges, and federal regulation cuts and downplay any differences.  Trump proved that he can take any position, even positions counter to his position 2 years ago, as long as it is done with a straight face.  I hope Weld will be calling for rally chants of "Repeal and Replace" "Drain the Swamp," "MAPT Make America Pre-Trump" and "Lock Trump Up."

well :pondering: maybe not, but this is interesting and fun for me.

Offline jafo2010

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2019, 12:28:23 am » this point, while I welcome a challenge to Trump on the Republican side, Weld is far from the answer.  Weld is a CLINTONITE!  That's right, he supported Clinton in the 2016 election and is a close friend of HRC.

Nothing Weld has to say is worth listening to.  He is a hack.

But who else could run and get traction against Trump on the Republican side?  Not loser Romney, nor Weld, but WHO?????

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2019, 12:49:43 am » this point, while I welcome a challenge to Trump on the Republican side, Weld is far from the answer.  Weld is a CLINTONITE!  That's right, he supported Clinton in the 2016 election and is a close friend of HRC.

Holy Moley!!! donated to and invited the Clintons to his wedding "close friend?"

Nothing Weld has to say is worth listening to.  He is a hack.

But who else could run and get traction against Trump on the Republican side?  Not loser Romney, nor Weld, but WHO?????

Like I wrote, I liked this “It is time to return to the principles of Lincoln – equality, dignity, and opportunity for all."
A spoiler to shave off 5% might be the difference between 1 and 2 terms.  I'd point to President George HW Bush as evidence @jafo2010
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 12:50:29 am by Once-Ler »

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2019, 01:04:34 am » this point, while I welcome a challenge to Trump on the Republican side, Weld is far from the answer.  Weld is a CLINTONITE!  That's right, he supported Clinton in the 2016 election and is a close friend of HRC.

Nothing Weld has to say is worth listening to.  He is a hack.

But who else could run and get traction against Trump on the Republican side?  Not loser Romney, nor Weld, but WHO?????

You are way to obessed with the Clintons..
Join The Reagan Caucus: and the Eisenhower Caucus:

Ronald Reagan: “Rather than...talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems and make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit…earning here they pay taxes here.”

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2019, 01:08:04 am »

You are way to obessed with the Clintons..
That happens when you are told justice will be done over and over before an election, and then when you elect the people feeding you that lie, it becomes irrelevant.

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2019, 01:11:56 am »
Weld represents everything - fecklessness, genuflecting to monied interests, & groveling for good press, apparent embarrassment for the conservative agenda - rank & file republican voters have come to hate.

Having said that, good luck Bill.


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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2019, 01:13:18 am »
Bill Weld on Immigration
Libertarian Party nominee for Vice President; former Republican Massachusetts Governor

Fear-mongering about immigrants is like Nazi round-ups
Q: You recently likened Trump's immigration policies to what happened in Nazi Germany.
WELD: Sure did.
Q: Why?
WELD: I think that the Republican presumptive nominee has succeeded in tapping into the very worst political traditions of the United States and other countries. The amount of fear engendered in Europe with the knock at the door [from the police during WWII], Anne Frank hiding in the attic, hoping no noise will alert the Nazis below, they're directly analogous.
Q: And to liken it to genocide?
WELD: No, no. It's the roundup that he has proposed, the rounding up and deportation of 11 million people. I mean, that's a lot of people. And that's going to engender a lot of fear, pit citizens and noncitizens against the government, breed disrespect for authority. I just think it's not a realistic prescription whatsoever.
Source: CNN Libertarian Town Hall: joint interview of Johnson & Weld , Jun 22, 2016

More H-1B visas; keep more foreign grads & entrepreneurs
It's time for both Democrats and Republicans to recognize the many compelling reasons for overhauling our current immigration system.
Start with the economic arguments, which are overwhelming. Our high-tech visa backlog is driving Microsoft and Facebook jobs to Dublin and Vancouver. Our rules on foreign graduates are sending young people home who would rather stay and work here. Instead of benefiting from our beacon of freedom, we are literally educating our competition, at the expense of US innovation and exports.
We have been just as shortsighted when it comes to attracting foreign entrepreneurs: Our system lacks a start-up visa for those seeking to found companies here.
Meanwhile, our annual caps on the number of all kinds of visas, from H-1B (specialty occupation) visas to permanent resident visas, are unrealistic. Many people become frustrated by the multiyear delays and give up their dream of trying to make a contribution here.
Source: William Weld and Susan Cohen editorial in Boston Globe , Apr 1, 2013

Current system is "de facto legalization" for 11 million
Our current patchwork immigration system has all the disadvantages of "de facto legalization" for illegal immigrants, but none of the advantages. Those 11 million undocumented workers manage to escape detection, so that's legalization of a sort. It sure beats being deported. But they don't get the benefit of legalizing their status, which would mean squaring their accounts with the government and being able to emerge from the shadows and strive openly to succeed here. Those 11 million people don't all need to become US citizens. They just need to start feeling that they can advance themselves without worrying that someone might notice and report them.
A principal argument against a probationary legal status (a status that has not yet ripened into a permanent right to stay) for millions of currently undocumented workers is that it creates "second-class citizens." But any type of status is better than the shadowy non-status they have now.
Source: William Weld and Susan Cohen editorial in Boston Globe , Apr 1, 2013

New York Liberal.  Libertarian.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 01:14:06 am by Chosen Daughter »
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2019, 01:44:32 am » this point, while I welcome a challenge to Trump on the Republican side, Weld is far from the answer.  Weld is a CLINTONITE!  That's right, he supported Clinton in the 2016 election and is a close friend of HRC.

Nothing Weld has to say is worth listening to.  He is a hack.

But who else could run and get traction against Trump on the Republican side?  Not loser Romney, nor Weld, but WHO?????

The once -super-poster on THIS SIE, The fake Deacon of Dallas is alco working for democrats.

Weld was hand picked to join former GOP Governor, turned Libertarian, Gary Aleppo Johnson.

This being 22020 Weld is back to the GOP from whence he came.

Anybody know what he has done since 22016?

There may be $$  in 3rd party losing runs. Possible an entire career.

Ask Ross Perot. Ask Ralph Nader. Ask Lyndon LaRouche.
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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2019, 03:17:45 am »
He's a Republican, turned Libertarian, turned Republican again from MA.   I really think he needs to 'identify' as a liberal and just get it over with.  Guy's a fruit cake!   :rolling:

Bill Weld's stance on key issues:

    Abortion: Weld supports abortion rights and has fought to protect them. As governor in 1991, he introduced a bill aiming to make it easier to get an abortion in Massachusetts.
    Same-sex marriage: While governor, Weld recognized domestic partnership rights for same-sex couples and signed legislation protecting gay and lesbian students. He also signed a 2013 amicus brief in support of same-sex marriage.
    Marijuana: Weld sits on the board of directors of Acreage Holdings, a cannabis company looking to roll back federal regulations, the Washington Post reports. He has supported legalization of medical marijuana since 1992.
    Economy: Despite his more progressive social views, Weld is a traditional conservative when it comes to the economy, prioritizing cutting spending and cutting taxes.
    Climate change: Weld supports rejoining the Paris climate agreement, according to

Key criticism of Bill Weld:

    Party loyalty: Weld endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain for president in 2008, but endorsed Mitt Romney over Obama in 2012. He also defected to the Libertarian Party to run with Gary Johnson in 2016.
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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2019, 05:01:19 am »
Holy Moley!!! donated to and invited the Clintons to his wedding "close friend?"
Like I wrote, I liked this “It is time to return to the principles of Lincoln – equality, dignity, and opportunity for all."
A spoiler to shave off 5% might be the difference between 1 and 2 terms.  I'd point to President George HW Bush as evidence @jafo2010
All are entitled to their opinions, yet a strong demurral.
Equality (from Egalite') is a brainless political slogan
having absolutely nothing to do w/core principle. Nothing.
It was a cliche' of French Revolutionaries such as Rousseau.
Some 2,500 years ago, in his majestic, "Republic' Plato defined
the Soul of Man as that astonishing attribute that differentiates
all Men for eternity, giving us our individuality and uniqueness.
We are not equal and never were.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 02:31:26 am by Absalom »

Offline jafo2010

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2019, 08:23:06 pm »
Once-Ler....Holy Moley!!! donated to and invited the Clintons to his wedding "close friend?" do exactly as instructed by the master mind HRC.  Weld runs, he gets maybe 1-6% of the vote.  He is a nuisance, and a 3rd party candidate that attracts Republicans is all that is needed to undo Trump.

Speaking of Lincoln, it could be a repeat of his election, where he was one of four running, all four got Electoral College votes and Lincoln squeeked by with 34% I believe.

If Schultz runs, you can bet someone will also run on the conservative side, not saying Weld is conservative.  I believe 100% HRC is running, and will announce once Biden decides what he is doing.  Schultz runs, and you better believe somone on the other side of the aisle will also run as a 4th candidate. 

I think Trump's popularity declines when enough folks realize they got screwed with this faux tax cut they were promised.  Not sure if it is true, but it was reported only 17% benefited from the tax cut.  That means there is 80% out there and maybe just a little POed.

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2019, 08:35:12 pm »
I think Trump's popularity declines when enough folks realize they got screwed with this faux tax cut they were promised.  Not sure if it is true, but it was reported only 17% benefited from the tax cut.  That means there is 80% out there and maybe just a little POed.

I'm not sure that is the case. Most people got more on their paychecks. So of course they didn't get the big refund back.

Sure, people that missed out on a lot of deductions (property tax, child tax deductions etc) feel they were cheated. But all of those things were in the news...if one chose to read them. Maybe an adjustment was in order.

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2019, 08:40:58 pm »
After his 2016 stunt, Bill Weld is the worst person to court independent voters
by Tiana Lowe
 | April 16, 2019 04:20 PM

Donald Trump's approval ratings have been underwater throughout his entire presidency. His Democratic opposition seems keen to lurch far enough leftward that even the most ardent Scandinavians would balk. The time ought to be ripe for an earnest third option.

Instead we have 2016 Libertarian Party running mate and 20th century Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld embarking on a dead on arrival primary challenge to Trump.

Plenty of disheartened Never Trumpers have pointed toward Trump's extraordinary approval ratings within the party to nix the notion of a Weld primary bid. But the Republican turned Obama backer turned Libertarian turned Republican has not only Trump's popularity to contend with, but also his own mess.

The Libertarian ticket in 2016 was notable for a third-party ticket. Both Weld and top-of-the-ticket Gary Johnson had been highly popular Republican governors of traditionally blue states, and both had solid records on civil liberties, which fit them squarely in the Libertarian Party, while leaving them room to court Never Trump Republicans.

Johnson and Weld knew they had no legitimate shot at winning the presidency, but if they hit 5% of the popular vote in the general election, they would be guaranteed Federal Election Commission recognition, which would allow them to appear on ballots by default and confer them about $10 million in federal funding. ...
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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2019, 01:15:10 am »
Next to Mitt Romney, William Weld is the archetypical elite RINO Republican...

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2019, 03:05:37 am » do exactly as instructed by the master mind HRC.  Weld runs, he gets maybe 1-6% of the vote.  He is a nuisance, and a 3rd party candidate that attracts Republicans is all that is needed to undo Trump.

@jafo2010 I don't think we disagree, except about Hitlery's strength.  She's tanked twice already.

Speaking of Lincoln, it could be a repeat of his election, where he was one of four running, all four got Electoral College votes and Lincoln squeeked by with 34% I believe.
  I did not know that, but I looked it up and according to the internet you are correct.

If Schultz runs, you can bet someone will also run on the conservative side, not saying Weld is conservative.  I believe 100% HRC is running, and will announce once Biden decides what he is doing.  Schultz runs, and you better believe somone on the other side of the aisle will also run as a 4th candidate.
  I have given up predictions except failure from our current President and it's only backed by past performance.  I got no idea what is going to happen in 2020. 

I think Trump's popularity declines when enough folks realize they got screwed with this faux tax cut they were promised.  Not sure if it is true, but it was reported only 17% benefited from the tax cut.  That means there is 80% out there and maybe just a little POed.

I tend to think immigration is where many Trump supporters have abandoned him, but maybe it is just because they are the loudest or most obnoxious.

You sent a meaty reply.  Thank you.

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2019, 03:36:25 am »
Weld seems like the type to appeal to #nevertrumpers, from Flake, to Kristol, to McMuffin and of course TBR's Usual Suspects and serousTDS sufferers..

I seem to recall reading that the Fake Deacon of Dallas,  was working all out to elect democrats, consistent with Weld's endorsement of Obama and H.Clinton.
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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2019, 03:49:03 am »
Weld seems like the type to appeal to #nevertrumpers, from Flake, to Kristol, to McMuffin and of course TBR's Usual Suspects and serousTDS sufferers..

I seem to recall reading that the Fake Deacon of Dallas,  was working all out to elect democrats, consistent with Weld's endorsement of Obama and H.Clinton.

Did Weld invite the Clintons to his wedding?  Just curious how close they were.

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2019, 02:13:29 am »
No idea about weddings.

The interesting news today is that former Virginia Gov Terry McAwful is NOT running.  He is a trusted friend to the Clinton Crime Family, and would not dare run if she is running.  HRC is running I tell you, and the stage has been nicely set for a choreographed entry to save the party from itself.

As Ben Shapiro said tonight on Fox, if any members of the clown car would only come back to the center versus the fringe lunatic extreme left, they would have a great chance of winning.  All the more reason for her to run.  She will be perceived as direly needed to save the day.  And she is the only person on the Democommie side of the aisle that has a chance against Trump.

How many millions ended up paying more in taxes and how many of those voted for Trump?  Enough I say that he needs to do something further on taxes to correct his aw-sh*t.

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2019, 02:21:23 am »
   We have enough Liberals running for President in 2020.  Unfortunately, I see no 'real' Conservatives on the horizon to 'spark' the American populace into a realistic movement. 
   The air is being sucked out of the room.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2019, 02:45:46 am »
The interesting news today is that former Virginia Gov Terry McAwful is NOT running.  He is a trusted friend to the Clinton Crime Family, and would not dare run if she is running.  HRC is running I tell you, and the stage has been nicely set for a choreographed entry to save the party from itself.

You could be right but with 18(?) candidates is there any position Hitlery can take on that hasn't already been claimed?

As Ben Shapiro said tonight on Fox, if any members of the clown car would only come back to the center versus the fringe lunatic extreme left, they would have a great chance of winning.  All the more reason for her to run.  She will be perceived as direly needed to save the day.  And she is the only person on the Democommie side of the aisle that has a chance against Trump.

How many millions ended up paying more in taxes and how many of those voted for Trump?  Enough I say that he needs to do something further on taxes to correct his aw-sh*t.

I think all the rats will run successfully against Trump on his integrity, principles, morals, ethics, character, honor,  abilities, and virtue.

But if he offers another vague tax cut to workers all bets are off.

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2019, 02:52:02 am »
Did Weld invite the Clintons to his wedding?  Just curious how close they were.

I know nothing of Weld's marital history. Do you?

Is that a factor for you--weddings? Or a Wisconsin thing?

"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2019, 02:53:55 am »
I know nothing of Weld's marital history. Do you?

Is that a factor for you--weddings? Or a Wisconsin thing?

Weddings? Huge to me.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 02:56:37 am by Once-Ler »

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Re: Bill Weld joins 2020 race as GOP challenger to Trump
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2019, 03:03:42 am »
Once, HR Clinton's position is exactly what it was last time.  She will be a centrist and attract 30-35% of the Democommies that will remain loyal to her no matter what.  She easily wins the primary elections.  Her work comes in the general election, and if she does as I anticipate, living literally in five states 80% of the time, she has a shot.

Plus, she goes and hires some of the top talent in the business intelligence arena to help direct her, and she runs a Trumpesque type campaign and has a shot.  She does not waste time in CA, NY, and other slam dunk states, but spends her time in the marginal states.  SHe did not do this last time.  Too many here assume her health is the same as it was in 2016, but if she has improved her health, she will run and be more formidable than last time.  She is a scorned woman, and more dangerous than a wounded tiger that spits cobra venom.  And do not be surprised if the Obamas turn out and campaign hard for her, because they will make an agreement that she will reciprocate when Michlle makes her run.  Michelle will run for senate first and then do what her husband did, run for president, but it is 2024 or even 2028 for that.  By then, the Republicans will run most likely Pence or Bush, and the Dems will have a shot, even with a slug like Michelle.