Author Topic: Nadler: Trump 'Has No Right to Spend Ship Immigrants All Over the County'  (Read 294 times)

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Nadler: Trump 'Has No Right to Spend Ship Immigrants All Over the County'

( - Leading Democrats are outraged over President Trump's stated intention to ship asylum seekers to sanctuary cities and states.

"The president has no right to spend money appropritaed by Congress for other purposes to ship immigrants all over the country," House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) told CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday.

"If someone requests asylum, he should be considered. There should be a place for that person to stay while that request is being adjudicated. This is just -- nor is it right for the president to use immigrants or people who are claiming political asylum as pawns in a fight against political opponents.
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But Imam Obama did? *****rollingeyes*****