Author Topic: The IRGC is a Terror Organization, So is the Muslim Brotherhood  (Read 234 times)

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The IRGC is a Terror Organization, So is the Muslim Brotherhood
April 9, 2019Secure Freedom Minute   

The Trump administration took another, critically important step in its challenge to Iran’s despotic ayatollahs and their Sharia-supremacist regime. In announcing the decision to designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps a foreign terrorist organization, Secretary of State  Mike Pompeo said the objective is to “deprive the world’s leading state-sponsor of terror the financial means to spread misery and death.”

Mr. Pompeo noted that this adjunct to the Iranian military has the blood of more than 600 Americans on its hands.

Thank you, President Trump, for holding the government of Iran accountable for utilizing this proxy, and its two adjuncts – the Quds Force and Hezbollah – to wage terrifying jihad against us and our allies.