Author Topic: US Progressives Threaten to Tank Massive $733B Pentagon Spending Bill  (Read 227 times)

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US Progressives Threaten to Tank Massive $733B Pentagon Spending Bill

Published 9 April 2019

"We need to prioritize our communities, not our military spending. Progressives aren’t backing down from this fight," Jayapal tweeted.

Members of the United States Congressional Progressive Caucus are threatening to tank a key budget measure unless the Democratic leadership agrees to boost healthcare, education, and other social services alongside the Pentagon's budget increase Tuesday.

Representatives Pramila Jayapal and Mark Pocan are leading the incentive for an amendment that would add about US$33 billion per year to domestic social programs as part of an important two-year spending bill would bring annual Pentagon spending up to US$733 billion.

"We need to prioritize our communities, not our military spending. Progressives aren’t backing down from this fight," Jayapal tweeted.