Author Topic: THE HORROR: NYU honors Jew-hating terror-tied thugs Students for Justine in Palestine (SJP) with Pr  (Read 575 times)

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THE HORROR: NYU honors Jew-hating terror-tied thugs Students for Justine in Palestine (SJP) with Presidential Service Award
By Pamela Geller - on April 8, 2019

All colleges are hotbeds of left-wing hate and bigotry, but NYU is at the forefront of norming Jew-hatred. They set an horrifying precedent with this incomprehensible award given, no less, at an enormous graduation commencement ceremony at Yankee Stadium. Students for Justice in Palestine is the largest anti-Jewish student group in the country.

    [SJP] advocate for Israel’s destruction, admire terrorists, and are making Jewish students feel unsafe on campuses across the country. They’re Students for Justice in Palestine—and they’re a huge problem

    [The pose a] risk to Jewish and pro-Israel students appears to be growing. Indeed, unless college administrators take a more active role in preventing it, SJP has a good chance of achieving its goal of turning venomous hatred of Israel and bullying of Jews and non-Jewish supporters—with all the violence and fear that inevitably accompany it—into a legitimate and accepted tactic on North American campuses. (The Tower)