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Share your cancer journey - and any other personal medical advice

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--- Quote from: Jack Russell on February 06, 2024, 02:45:21 pm ---I think this is the same medication the VA is giving a good friend of mine.  They said it wouldn't kill the cancer but would hopefully keep it where it is. I forgot what he said the price of it was, but it was way too expensive for him to afford on his own.

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@Jack Russell

I checked the "drug store price" BEFORE it was approved by the FDA as a cancer treatment drug,and a 30 day supply (30 capsules) was a hair over $3,000.

I SUSPECT the price might have dropped some since it was approved,but could be wrong.

What I DO know to be a fact is that less than 30 days after I started taking it,I was diagnosed to be free of cancer,and a week or two prior to starting to take it,I had been diagnosed as having "Stage 4 incurable lymphoma.

MY thoughts on this is IF you have Stage 4 lymphoma and don't have health insurance or help from some organization like the VA,borrow or steal 3 grand from somewhere,and try it for  the 1 month. If it doesn't work for you,you aren't  out nothing but 3 grand that you soon won't be missing.

IF you are lucky,you MIGHT go into remission,and who knows how long   you might be in remission before it returns,or even if it WILL return?

IF it returns,start taking up collections to buy more. 3 Grand a month is a lot of money,but not  if it is coming from 30 or more people.


--- Quote from: sneakypete on February 06, 2024, 01:46:01 pm ---@GrouchoTex

Take good news any way you can get it,and this IS good news.

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Mrs GrouchoTex has her 9 month check up in early March.
The 3 month last September and her 6 month last December check ups were all good news.
Technically, here treament was from Surgery in November of 2022 to the last chemo in May 2023.
They counted check up in June as 1st one, followed by 3 month in sept, etc.
Y'all know the drill...


--- Quote from: GrouchoTex on February 15, 2024, 02:30:10 pm ---@sneakypete
Mrs GrouchoTex has her 9 month check up in early March.
The 3 month last September and her 6 month last December check ups were all good news.
Technically, here treament was from Surgery in November of 2022 to the last chemo in May 2023.
They counted check up in June as 1st one, followed by 3 month in sept, etc.
Y'all know the drill...

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@Groucho Marxist

I am celebrating the good news with you.


--- Quote from: sneakypete on February 15, 2024, 04:05:57 pm ---@Groucho Marxist

I am celebrating the good news with you.

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Great @sneakypete!


--- Quote from: GrouchoTex on February 15, 2024, 02:30:10 pm ---Mrs GrouchoTex has her 9 month check up in early March.

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Praying for an "all clear" for her.


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