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Share your cancer journey - and any other personal medical advice

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Yeah, I'm having some decimal anxiety here, so I wasn't sure my math was anywhere close.

Thought I would update you on Mrs GrouchoTex's progress.
Chemo ended in May.
Had a full scan in June, good results.
Had a 3 month check up in September, all was good.
Has the next 3 month check up in December.


--- Quote from: GrouchoTex on November 22, 2023, 04:32:25 pm ---Thought I would update you on Mrs GrouchoTex's progress.
Chemo ended in May.
Had a full scan in June, good results.
Had a 3 month check up in September, all was good.
Has the next 3 month check up in December.

--- End quote ---

That's certainly good news @GrouchoTex  Prayers up that she will continue to have positive results.  :0001:


--- Quote from: libertybele on November 22, 2023, 04:43:21 pm ---That's certainly good news @GrouchoTex  Prayers up that she will continue to have positive results.  :0001:

--- End quote ---

M D Anderson is a wonderful place to go for treatment.

As noted on the prayer thread, my sister's cancer is a major concern. She mentioned going to the Anderson center in Houston (currently being treated at UPMC in Pittsburgh).


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