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Share your cancer journey - and any other personal medical advice

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--- Quote from: mountaineer on June 20, 2023, 10:57:40 pm ---If you've seen the prayer thread, you'll know that my sister has been dealing with stage 3 ovarian cancer since January. She had 8 chemotherapy sessions, extensive surgery, and now has completed three more chemo sessions. She's doing pretty well, but the chemo is knocking her on her butt: pain she compares to fibromyalgia, nausea, loss of appetite, etc.

I finally broke down and suggested medical mj, which is legal in her state. I should point out that I have a deep aversion to marijuana, thanks to the behavior of another sibling, but I do understand that it can reduce nausea and increase the appetite in cases like hers. I doubt she's ever tried it, and I know I haven't. But she's willing to look into it.

Any personal experiences (not just the casual toker experiences, I mean with regard to dealing with chemo side effects)?

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Has your sister looked into CBDs? I don't have any personal experience but I've read they an be effective. She may be able to get the benefits without the high. @mountaineer


--- Quote from: mountaineer on June 20, 2023, 10:57:40 pm ---If you've seen the prayer thread, you'll know that my sister has been dealing with stage 3 ovarian cancer since January. She had 8 chemotherapy sessions, extensive surgery, and now has completed three more chemo sessions. She's doing pretty well, but the chemo is knocking her on her butt: pain she compares to fibromyalgia, nausea, loss of appetite, etc.

I finally broke down and suggested medical mj, which is legal in her state. I should point out that I have a deep aversion to marijuana, thanks to the behavior of another sibling, but I do understand that it can reduce nausea and increase the appetite in cases like hers. I doubt she's ever tried it, and I know I haven't. But she's willing to look into it.

Any personal experiences (not just the casual toker experiences, I mean with regard to dealing with chemo side effects)?

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Well,even IF I still toked weed I wouldn't be able to tell you because chemo wiped out my short-term memory. To the point I sometimes start to talk with a long-time friend,and can't remember their name.

If it weren't for spell-check,I wouldn't even be able to post here. Even when I do post,I always have to go back and read each sentence one at a time to remember what I am posting about.

Chemo and radiation ain't for sissies!

I WILL tell you that toking a little weed has NEVER in all of reported time ever been known  to harm  anyone,and that IF an adult can get over the paranoia of smoking weed (or eathing hash brownies) it can only help.

No,it won't cure anything,but will help  to calm you  down,which IS good for your blood pressure and probably for your piece of mind.

If you live in a state where it is legal,you owe it to yourself to try it,but I recommend trying it in the company of someone you  know and trust who has smoked it for a while. If you start to panic,they can  calm you down.

BTW,the only reason I quit smoking weed is because I moved to a new area and didn't know anyone else that smoked,and the few people I offered to share a joint with acted terrified. Since for ME,smoking weed was a social thing,I had no interest in smoking it by myself. Now I honestly don't even know where I could buy any. Or care. Have too much trouble just breathing to be smoking anything.

BTW,I THINK I might have been maybe 12 or 13 years old the first time I toked up,and it was at a party.


--- Quote from: bigheadfred on June 20, 2023, 11:18:35 pm ---Has your sister looked into CBDs? I don't have any personal experience but I've read they an be effective. She may be able to get the benefits without the high. @mountaineer

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Fred,if she has been blasted with chemo and radiation like I was,she won't be able to remember who to ask or what needs to be asked. Seriously.

She needs to have her sister or someone else with an actual memory take notes on what should be tried and maybe even monitor her while she tries it.

I don't smoke anything anymore,but I have to admit if I knew where I could buy a legal hash-brownie,I'd have a few laying around.

Ok,I would have ONE laying around. It never took much  for me to catch a buzz,even on cheap 10 bucks a bag pot back in the 70's. Just one hash brownie would probably last me a week.

The state has a website to apply for a medical marijuana card. If she goes through the steps, it looks pretty simple.

Oops, it just occurred to me that she also has a concealed carry permit. I hope the ridiculous peoples' republic of of Pennsylvania wouldn't give her a marijuana card, only to take her carry permit away from her.


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